Thursday, August 29, 2024

Dog Day Afternoon - AQ3D Style

OK, it was Dog Day Morning for me but that doesn't quite have the same ring to it. And anyway, it was actually last night when I spotted that AdventureQuest 3D was celebrating something called Dog Day.

My reaction to the news was mixed. I was happy to find out there was such a thing as Dog Day but also uncomfortably aware I was going to have to do something about it. I mean, I covered Cat Day when they ran an event for that. Beryl would never forgive me if I did any less for dogs.

The problem is, I don't really play AQ3D. I haven't even been logging in to open the free daily loot chests for weeks. I was saving up the cash shop currency you get for doing that so I could buy something nice for the house I never visit but then I spent it all on my spiffy new catsuit (Which looks great, by the way.) and that pretty much killed my motivation to carry on.

Since I'd spent almost all my magic money, and assuming the dog event was likely to run along very similar lines to the one for cats, I didn't think there'd be much chance of my getting a full set of dog cosplay gear but I thought maybe there'd be something I could afford with whatever change I had left from last time. Anyway, I knew I had to write about the damn thing so after we got back from walking Beryl and feeding the crows this morning, I logged into the game to see what my options might be. 

Better than I expected, as it turned out. 

I know it's unlikely anyone who's going to read this will be thinking of doing the event so there's no point going into a whole lot of detail about how the event works. It is indeed basically the same as the cat one, as expected, anyway.

There's a boss fight which no-one ever seems to be doing when I log in. The new dog boss stands right next to the old cat boss because both events are running simultaneously. I was half hoping the Vicious Cat and the Big Dog (Those are their boss names. Scaary!) would start scrapping with each other but no such luck.

There's a selection of dog-themed onesies, hoods and tails on both the pet vendor and on Not Alma, who has now added Dog? to her species subscript alongside Cat? just to make her even weirder than usual. All of those were well out of my price range considering that, after my cataclysmic spending spree I only had just over a hundred Dragon Crystals left.

Luckily, before logging in, I had taken the trouble to read the notes for the event and I remembered seeing something about house items. A flip through the various tabs showed me several of those, including a kennel, a feeding bowl and several dogs, all dozing in convincingly doglike poses.

None of them were very expensive but they were on sale for a variety of currencies, some of which I had, some I didn't. I had the right ones for the dog sleeping on her back and for a feeding bowl so I bought those. I also checked the cat tab and bought a sleeping black cat as well. If my new dog is going to be home alone, she's going to want someone to play with and I am very much Team Cat and Dog these days..

On that note, one new addition that came with dog day is a voting booth where you can vote for your preferred pet - Dog or Cat. The rubric explains, somewhat unecessarily I felt, that the vote is confidential and all in fun. I'm not sure how it could have been otherwise, although I suppose some kind of  flag could have appeared over your head as you cast your vote. It's happened before. Remember Evon vs Kiel?

I dithered for a while over which way to vote. Until we got Beryl I wouldn't have given it a second's thought. I was Team Cat for more than sixty years. Now, though... In the end I opted not to vote at all, which makes something of a mockery of the Just For Fun theory. I might be taking all of this a little too seriously but then I get like that with votes in video games. Real life voting is so much more straightforward.

After that, I thought about logging out. I'd done my duty to dogdom and I had enough for the post. I had a feeling there was more, though, so I looked around and found Aria the Pet Shop owner had a quest marker up.

Again, to save time I won't go through the details. The important part is that there's a quest to get a pet dog called Klaus. Pretty sure he's a German Shepherd. The quest is a six-parter, which honestly is really short for this game. Aria has another non-event quest to get a dog called Fluffy that has thirty-five stages (!)

Klaus's quest looks easy as well as short so I'm hoping to find time to finish it. It would have been nice to have done it in time for this post but we can't always get what we want.

Other than that, I think I'm probably done with both cats and dogs in AQ3D for now. It's a very time-consuming game and I'm trying not to get sucked into any of its many time-sinks. On the other hand, there is also a bonus XP event going on right now as well and I did ding doing quests for Aria this morning...

And this is how they suck you in!

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