Blaugust 2018

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tixx On Tour : GW2

Tour Schedule

10am PST, 12/15—The Grove
10am PST, 12/16—Divinity’s Reach
10am PST, 12/17—The Black Citadel
10am PST, 12/18—Hoelbrak
10am PST, 12/19—Rata Sum
10am PST, 12/20—Lion’s Arch

Your reviewer caught Tixx's first show at The Grove:  Full Review here.

Your reviewer and one of The Dolls catch a few moments after the show
For the second show at Divinity's Reach two nights ago promoter Tixx pulled out a totally new set. Toxx emceed main stage action from fresh act The Princess Dolls. Real screamers, these girls! Plenty of costume changes kept things moving and a mid-set face-off between the Dolls and Tixx regulars The Ventari saw the crowd taking sides. No love lost there, or is it all just play-acting?

Despite a full scale invasion from Tixx's crazed skritt fanbase that had bouncers literally throwing the little rats off stage and ongoing technical problems with some of the special effects (are those turrets really worth the trouble?) Tixx's superior new material shone. By curtain-down Toxx, clearly in a "tired and emotional" state once again, had to be forcibly removed from the stage. A triumph.

Toxx busts out those moves!
Last night at The Black Citadel things didn't go quite so smoothly. Tixx mixed numbers from the first two shows with variable success. Some sequences didn't gel and the whole show felt bitty. Toxx was particularly off-key for much of the set, missing several cues, coming over like a James Brown wannabe with all her false exits and pretend collapses. The turrets malfunctioned yet again and the whole performance was dogged by technical problems throughout.

The show was saved by the late surprise guest appearance of The Toy Soldiers, a Charr ennsemble with an astounding sound. Things never stopped popping the whole time they were onstage. Toxx finished the show in her (fortunately) inimitable style, unveiling a spectacular new dance routine right at the end that brought things to a truly explosive close. Overall rating chaotic but cool!

The Toy Soldiers - these guys rock!
Just two more out-of-town warm-ups to go. Toxx's airship hall has vast capacity so no need to book in advance, just roll up at Hoelbrak tonight (wear something warm!) or Rata Sum tomorrow. After that catch Tixx at his Wintersday residency in Lion's Arch where we hear he'll have the whole crew performing the full repertoire for the entire season.

Let's hope those technical problems are all ironed out by then. That's what these provincial junkets are really all about, or is that just too cynical?

Whatever! See you in LA!

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