Blaugust 2018

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Days Are Just Packed : FFXIV

Today was probably the longest continual session in a single MMO I've done this year. That might just have something to with the fact that right now, once you get into FFXIV if you have any sense at all you don't log out...

Whatever the reason, an enormous amount got done, including but not limited to:

Learning to Dye


Getting an Airship Pass

They laid this flight on specially for me! the balloon supposed to be right over there?

Completing all three starter dungeons

Oh, I think you'll find we can.

You can say that again

Joining the Scions of the Seventh Dawn

And the award for Worst Voice-Acting In A Cut-Scene goes to...Minfilia !

Earning the right to hire a retainer (but not actually hiring one)

Now all I need is something to sell...

And of course my new favorite hobby...

Sitting by fires next to complete strangers.

Don't mind me.

Great day, great fun. More to come.


  1. Wow, those screenshots on the airship look amazing. Is that building you see completely explorable?


    1. Yes, in that each shot is the outside view of part of two of the big cities. Those would be the views looking back at the airship dock where I boarded the unnervingly unairworthy-looking ship. They are from cut-scenes but the cut scenes seem to use the same graphics you see in game, on the whole.

  2. It certainly looks pretty. Is it free to play? :)

    1. No, it is a sub game.

      Looks fun enough to give it a shot though. Personally, I'm going to hold off for a few month before I start since I am hearing about lots of technical issues.


    2. I'd definitely give it a month or two. It's a cheap box purchase (I paid £19.99 but I've heard it can be had for £15) and the 30 days you get with that should be plenty long enough to know if you want to sub. The first big update (not scheduled yet) is supposed to bring housing, which looks to be very good from the sneak peak we had in beta. By then the log-in issues will be resolved and the population should have spread out so that might be a good point to take a look.

  3. BAAHH!! stop making it look soo appealing.. I just cancelled the amazon order due to incompetence and am trying to resist purchasing again and jumping back in

    1. Mrs Bhagpuss told me yesterday that there's PvP to come, which I didn't know. Not sure in what form.

  4. Looks like you were lucky, bhagpuss: my daughter spent all night trying unsuccessfully to get in-game, and my wife, who wanted to try it but waited that one day too long, is still waiting for digital downloads to recommence.

    For those of us not able to get in, the frustrations are building into reasons not to play. I know that launch frustrations get forgotten (cf: WoW), but I'd be surprised if we make it that far. Shame, because there's nothing else happening in the fantasy MMO world right now...

    1. Well tonight is the big downtime when they add new servers and increase concurrency and Yoshi-P claims that will allow everyone to play who wants to play. We'll see. Presumably DDs will start again as soon as it's demonstrated that the new system is stable.

      I actually got in within five minutes when I came home from work tonight which I wasn't expecting. I imagine a lot of afkers have let their PCs have a rest in anticipation of being kicked out in three hours anyway, which probably accounts for it.

  5. That first screenshot is very beautiful =)
    oh and...Calvin & Hobbes references ftw! I c wut u did thar.
