Blaugust 2018
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
In The Future We'll All Be Pirates
MMO players purely love to speculate on the financial and population figures for MMOs they play; even more so for those they don't. An unhealthy miasma of schadenfreude and fear surrounds the entire genre. My game's not doing very well, goes the logic, it might close down. That would be awful. Maybe if people weren't playing that new game, the one I don't like, more people would play my game. I hope that new game does badly. Then maybe people who were playing it will stop and play mine instead. Then I'll feel safer.
This seething pot of bilious speculation bubbles with ignorance, rumor and misinformation. Because almost no MMO companies routinely issue detailed population data and few make public announcements even couched in generalities, each straw of data is grasped and examined until it frays and falls to dust in our hands. Every so often some professional information seller, like SuperData, pops up with a squib promoting their services and whatever they choose to highlight gets scorned or lauded accordingly depending on whose pre-existing worldview it supports or denies. MMO companies with something to crow about, like half a million subs and ten years of continual subscriber growth or three and a half million boxes sold , send out PR releases that even mainstream media notice but remain grimly silent when things aren't going so well.
The Nosy Gamer publishes his weekly table of results from X-Fire, which, even qualified with his usual due diligence, currently seems to indicate that MMO gamers have spotted that bright light in the sky outside and stepped out into The Big Room to see what it might be. It's summer. Here come the dog days, the midsummer doldrums, when everything starts to drift. School's out and so are the people. Everyone's at the beach or the mountains or the lake. France is officially closed.
Back when people took newspapers seriously this time of year was known as The Silly Season. It's certainly not the most sensible time to start examining MMO attendance and drawing conclusions. If you're looking to take the temperature and check the health of an indoor hobby like playing MMOs July and August probably shouldn't be your first choice. Yes, school may be out but so's the sun and much though the media love the cliché of gamers as pallid adolescents hiding from daylight in their fetid, curtained rooms, even journalists are finally coming round to the idea that video games are just part of the regular 21st century cultural diet, played by people who occasionally go outdoors.
It's always puzzled me somewhat when game companies choose to launch their new subscription MMOs at the start of the summer. A couple of years back The Secret World took a July launch window. Six months later the subscription was dropped. Funcom blamed a lot of things for the failure to attract sufficient subscribers, among them poor reviews and competition from Diablo III and GW2. You can tell Funcom's not a British company because the one thing they didn't blame was the weather.
Carbine opened the loading bay doors to WildStar at the beginning of June. Perfect timing for the first and second renewal notices to land right in the heart of summer. Isey's still subbed though maybe not for much longer. He reports forums filled with "doom and gloom about empty servers and bugs". In-game, he observes, "The few friends I had on my friends list are long gone and the areas I am still playing in are completely dead". Missy Mojo's already made her decision. She's gone, her parting comment something neither game designer nor marketing department would ever want to receive: "It just ended up feeling like a chore logging on to level".
All anecdotal evidence. We'll know the truth of it when the first server merges are announced no doubt. Will WildStar follow TSW and go Buy-to-Play by Christmas? If so, does it vindicate all those who claimed subscription gaming was a dead end for any game not called WoW or just confirm that no-one thinks about snow-chains in summer? Will the blame be laid on the designers who thought they could buck a decade of dumbing down with a call to the hardcore or on the suits who made them go to market out of season?
And if WildStar and TESO, about which no-one talks much anymore already, fail does that mean the genre is in terminal decline or just that those two games weren't good enough or focused enough to find an audience? Liore's just about done with MMOs. Is she speaking for the WoW generation or just herself when she says "MMOs are a dying breed"? Is it true, as she quotes someone telling her recently, that "WoW created WoW players, not MMO players"?
I tend to think she might be right on both counts. MMOs, as understood by the generation of players that was introduced to them through World of Warcraft, are dying.The zeitgeist that brought millions of adolescents and adults of all ages, all over the world, to spend extended periods of time together in a fantasy land where they were able to "be social, to achieve things with friends, to be part of a community" was indeed predicated on a pre-Facebook, pre-Twitter world that no longer exists and is never going to come back.
Among long-time MMO players, both those who predated WoW and those who arrived with or after it and went native, we see a yearning for the lost, golden age of social cohesion, reliable guilds, friends lists filled with people who actually logged on. That's why Syp got such a strong, negative reaction when he made the apparently reasonable suggestion that ArcheAge would be better if it offered a PvE-only server.
Pleasing the masses, it seems, pleases no-one. Any minority that pipes up does so only to complain, while the masses themselves never say a word so no-one knows what they think, or much cares, it appears. The future for MMOs is niche, apparently, or at least the only one we ever get to hear expressing itself is, and the niche in question usually involves bashing virtual people over their little virtual heads and taking their stuff. The family that slays together stays together as Harlan Ellison once said.
And yet. And yet. I play GW2. A lot of people do. A couple of months after launch, WildStar has fifteen North American servers. Two years after launch, GW2 has twenty-four. Anecdotally, two-thirds of those WildStar servers are flagged "Low Population" in Saturday night prime time. As I write this, in the middle of the afternoon here in the UK, so before breakfast on the US West Coast and mid-morning on a workday in the East, every GW2 NA server is flagged "Very High". Except the three that are "Full".
That jibes entirely with what I see in game. Every starting zone rattles with chatter from people who "just bought the game this week", asking questions that only a real new player would think to ask. I could spend most of each session explaining everything that's changed to the endless series of puzzled returnees coming back for a second, third or fourth run at this, the easiest of all MMOs to rediscover. Buy once, play forever. Clever marketing if you have the game to back it up. They do.
So, maybe all MMOs aren't dying, just the ones that fail to adapt, to evolve, to float on the prevailing cultural winds. We'll see soon enough if the PvP Niche - ArcheAge first then Camelot Unchained and the whole Kickstarted crowd of wannabe DAOCs and UOs - has the traction to recreate those fraying social bonds. We''ll find out whether there really is a hard core to WildStar's PvE Hardcore crew or just a soft center that runs.
In an MMO world where the same company closes Vanguard: Saga of Heroes (one of the best MMOs ever started, if not one of the best ever finished) in the very same week they bring Landmark (a shambles of a quarter-finished game-with-no-game-yet) to a mass audience via Steam, well you wouldn't want to go placing any bets on the future health of the industry. Still and all, I remain violently optimistic.
Oh look! While I've been typing it's clouded over outside. So much for summer. Let's log in.
Somehow I didn't write anything worth a link in this post. Must be more controversial.
ReplyDeleteLol. I so nearly quoted your comment from Liore's thread, which I pretty much 100% agreed with but I thought I'd probably already quoted enough from there. I also nearly linked to your post about SuperData's instead of going direct to their own site.
DeleteY'know what? Why should they have the traffic? Now that link goes to your post. And just as a bonus I added a link to your Landmark piece too, right down there towards the end.
Who needs controversy when you've got community?
#winning #community
DeleteHah, thanks! I am horrible when it comes to people doing wrap-ups of other posts. Back when Tipa was doing her Daily Blog Roll, I used to feel just a wee bit pouty every time I wasn't linked. I can be a prima donna like that at times.
It's a human thing to disparage those not your own "tribe." WoW vs Eve, Xbox vs PS, CoD vs Battlefield, butter side up or butter side down.
ReplyDeleteI find it all silly. Especially those people actively rooting for games to do bad. I mean, sure, you may not like it, but plenty of others do. Why take away their joy? Gaming populations often are not a zero-sum game.
I should have archived all those "GW2 will be dead within a year" posts...
Nosy Gamer had a post recently highlighting "EVE is dying" posts from 2003! I remember "EQ is dying" being a constant discussion topic even back when it was the biggest Western MMO and still growing.
DeleteI think the disappointment of the virtual worlds experiment is that the main offerings are so standardised. It seems to be assumed we either want some kind of WoW or we want some kind of painful UO style full loot pvp game.
ReplyDeleteIt's just so unimaginative.
Of course when someone does try something a little different it usually lacks the polish to be popular.
I imagine when there's real money involved no-one wants to take any big risks. Movies seem to work that way. A lot easier to make a really good quality indie movie than an indie MMO that can match the technical standards of an AAA project.
DeleteThanks for the link and a great read. Willhelm already gets enough traffic anyway. (MAY have something to do with writing stuff worth reading... *grin*)
ReplyDeleteMore anecdotal evidence! My 9 year old is visiting grandma for a week with a couple other grandkids and he was excited to tell me on Skype that they were all playing World of Warcraft together...
My internal debate is if the games are getting stale or just the way I can enjoy them. That won't be solved (or go away) anytime soon. Stabs above me also hits a nail on the head.
Generally the people disappointed with MMORPGs talk about virtual worlds and communities.
ReplyDeleteThose that aren't talk about games - some games are crap, others aren't.
GW2 is a game that can be played as a game or as a community for certain activities like WvW or some Jungle Wurm/Tequatl attempt.
I laughed so hard at the link text "bashing virtual people over their little virtual heads.." In that context it sounds hysterical. A good bit of it was hysterically going wrong for us in the attempting to do the cross continental trading as well. LOL Our level 50s got the point. They're all off building PVP specs and assembling PVP gear for those occasions.
ReplyDeleteI so see many PVE only guilds forming. I don't know the quality of the dungeons and if there's enough to sustain raiders at end game. I'd guess not given it's "sandbox". Yes, there are level 50 dungeons and specific areas where people go to farm the best of the best dropped gear but it's not clear to me if it's enough for raiding guilds which means, it's into the PVP fray for most unless they choose to do the PVE economy and crafting in safe areas just like some choose to do in EVE.
I really do think it helps to think of this as EVE in a fantasy setting with ship combat mechanics. The fact that your skills level somewhat disconnected from you and on their one trajectory is another commonality. If you hated everything EVE stands for you will not like AA. If you liked EVE okay but wanted a body and better questing you're a candidate for AA. If you loved EVE for the political machinations, meh, AA might not fill your plate.