Blaugust 2018

Monday, October 13, 2014

And...We're Back

Breaking radio silence to announce our return from a week of sunshine and showers in Portugal during which fantasy worlds in general and MMOs in particular never seemed far away. Normal service will be resumed as soon as I get my so-called act together. Meanwhile, here are some pictures.

Map Call! DB Zerg at NE Garri.
Curse you, Duke Barradin! Will you never rest?
The Secret World of The Templars at Tomar
Dinosaur footprints! EQ2 expansion this way!
Yeah, right. I walk down the path and three giant spiders swing down on top of me.
I've been to Maguuma. I know how it goes.


  1. I was wondering whether you were having more computer (or other) problems since it's unusual for you to not post for several days. Glad you had a good reason to be away from the internet. :)

    1. Computer is good now (fingers crossed). Was nice to have a week away from it though!

    2. Same as Shintar. Good to hear everything is okay :)

  2. Did you get to see any of the remains of Wellington's Lines of Torres Vedras from the Peninsular War?

    1. No, although we were very close to Torres Vedras several times and the weird hammer statue above is in Torres Novas. I did have an itinerary planned out before we went but like all such plans it did not survive contact with the enemy, which in this case was a series of violent weather fronts coming in from the Atlantic. Our actual itinerary, if plotted on a map, would resemble the tracks left by a drunken spider dancing a hornpipe.

  3. Spiders? Beats those Risen, if y'ask me.

    Looks like a sweet trip. Welcome back.

    -- 7rlsy

  4. The pictures are just pixelated enough to look like they are from a game =) I had to do a doubletake! Welcome back, I was also travelling and other work adventures past week so I didn't miss a post of yours. =)

    1. I screen-grabbed the pictures from the raw video I took. The processed version looks a lot better but I was in a hurry to get something posted!

  5. Man I had the best week of my life in Portugal. But also got a taste of the god-awful tourist apocalypse. Lagos was amazing. Curious where you stayed?

    1. We've been before a couple of times but this time we went to Sintra, then up the coast through the various surfing and fishing towns like Ericeira and Peniche. We were kind of dodging the weather coming in off the Atlantic after that so we went inland to Leiria, Estremoz, Evora and Moura among others. We also spent a couple of days in Tomar, where the big Templar fortress is. That was a highlight, as were the dinosaur footprints a few miles away.
