Blaugust 2018

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

First World Problems: MMO Edition


Seriously, guys! Don't you ever talk to each other?


  1. Pretty funny that Blizzard also will release new raid on the same day.

    1. I'd have added that if I'd known, even though it has no direct impact on me, because it makes the three MMOs I am most focused on at the moment (two playing, one wondering whether to play) all throwing stuff at me on the same day!

  2. I don't want to watch the video, but I assume that it is also happening on November 28th.

    That's the problem with the Tuesday patch/update/release convention, there are only 52 in the year. If you wanted to do something in November, you had four choices of dates.

    1. I was so quick off the mark that ANet hadn't added anything about the announcement to the official GW2 page - there was only the video. I'd have preferred a screenshot with date in. I guess I could have snatched one from the video but that seems like too much work for a joke post...

      And what is it with Tuesdays? I'm guessing it's intentional to reduce the load and help the servers to stay up. It has to be one of the most inconvenient days for most players.

    2. My going theory on this is that it is a weekday that is rarely a holiday (we tend to observe any holiday during a week on Monday so we have a three day weekend) so everybody is in the office so if there are problems the person you need is probably on hand. You also have several days to deal with issues before the weekend hits, which is the peak time period. And, of course, you don't have ruin anybody's weekend by calling them in.

      This Tuesday thing long pre-dates MMOs, patch day, and such in the US retail sector, though I think the "its not the busy weekend" aspect still applies.

  3. At least this time around we'll be logging on to unlock the chapters - we missed most of the 3rd (?) season as we hadn't played since pre-HoT days. We've only just entered Vabbi though so won't be ready for this for a while, so I'll be avoiding spoilers for some time to come...

    1. I didn't think much to Season 3. In fact, I think they've been getting less satisfying as we go along although the wider GW2 community seems to feel the opposite. I don't have high hopes for LS4 but new maps are always good.
