Blaugust 2018

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Tired Tired Tired...

Just a short post to break radio silence. After five weeks of barely being affected at all, on Tuesday my chemo decided to hit me like a truck. It's just tiredness and entirely to be expected but the effect is extreme.

I don't have the concentration even to browse the web, let alone play games. As for posting, I haven't even read a blog since Tuesday. I can't concentrate to read or watch video. Fortunately my abilty to listen seems unaffected so mostly I am lying in bed with the radio on. Going to be listening to a lot of cricket during August.

It's terrible timing, with Blaugust coming up, of course. Can't see me even hitting the five post goal if I carry on feeling like this. As I say, though, this is what's supposed to happen so I think I've been pretty lucky to get to nearly half way through with no real problems.

Anyway, that's the reason for things going quiet. Normal service should be resumed in September!


  1. Sorry to hear mate. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Glad you made it so far before it kicked in. Good luck in the 2nd half of treatment.

  3. Poor Bhag, hope it gets better again sooner rather than later!

  4. Hope you feel much better soon, and get the energy to blog again, I miss reading you!

  5. You were on such a roll of late as well. I hope feel better and can find the energy to write again soon.

  6. Hang in there. We're all rooting for you.

  7. All the best, Bhag, you'll be in my thoughts. We'll keep though, and be here when you're through the other side.

  8. Ditto, hope it gets better soon. This, too, shall pass and all that. Take the time to rest and recover.

  9. Best of luck to you, I hope you feel better soon.

  10. Enjoy the restorative power of Cricket and get well soon. Blaugust in total runs for six weeks, so may be you can catch the end?

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks, everyone! Very much appreciated. I'm going to try and pop up when I have a bit of energy sowe'll see how it goes.

  12. Thanks for letting us know what was up; I'm sure I'm not the only one who was a bit concerned.

    Hope the effects pass soon and you get to feeling more like your old self!

  13. Hope it gets less taxing soon. All the best!

  14. Really hope it's all going well for you and yours.
