Blaugust 2018

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Sound And vision

One of the many good things about Cowboy Bebop that I didn't have time to get into yesterday is the music. Composed by Yoko Kanno and performed by her and the band she put together for the show, Seatbelts, it's perfect for the theme and the setting, especially when you consider that, if Wikipedia is to believed, "Kanno herself was sometimes surprised at how pieces of her music were used in scenes, sometimes wishing it had been used elsewhere".

Rather than witter on about how good it is and seeing that I have very little time to put a post together today and since I have a whole bunch of stills from the show I couldn't fit into yesterday's post, how about I post a few samples and let you judge for yourself.




I should make it quite clear, none of the scenes shown match the music or if they do it's a complete fluke. If I'd wanted that I'd have made my own video clips from the show. Maybe I should have. But I didn't. So let that be an end to it.

I'll shut up about Cowboy Bebop now. At least until I've watched the movie.


  1. I personally like this live version of Tank, particularly given that it was at a local con: Cowboy Bebop - Tank Live.

    1. Hah! That's great. I love the way some of them are totally into it and others look bored out of their minds.

    2. oh phooey... the " o m g" and all was meant to go here.

      -- 7rlsy

  2. "Call Me, Call Me" and "Want It All Back" made their way onto every mix CD I burned for several years, alongside the Wolf's Rain opening "Stray" and a number of 10cc pieces from Animalympics.

    1. In a way it's a shame not to have used the actual scenes the songs soundtrack, because the impact there is immense, but then, if you've seen the show, you'll remember and if you haven't you won't have the context, so maybe better to let the music stand on its own.

  3. o m g ::::::: !

    1. (forgot to sign that... -- 7rlsy )

  4. Hey, thanks for that "Space Cowboy" link. Hadn't run onto that one yet. Chills... really.

    Also, tho' I shoulda thought you would, it's great you addressed the music in a post of its own. It's a huge aspect of the series, fsure.

    -- 7rlsy

  5. Bookmarked all of it. ;)

    -- 7..y

  6. @7rlsy - Heh! Not going to try to fit in a reply to a specific comment there. Just wanted to say glad you enjoyed what was something of a thrown-together post. The soundtrack deserves much more of a detailed look but sometimes it's better to get it done than get it right. Now there's a motto...
