Blaugust 2018

Monday, August 1, 2022

Is It That Time Already?

It's Blaugust! 

OMG! I have prepared nothing! I haven't even done the usual, basic prep like adding the new arrivals to my blog roll. And there are a ton of them this year!

Okay, lemme at least get onto that. I was going to do the second first impressions post for Noah's Heart, which I have been playing obsessively - or at least as obsessively as possible, given I actually had to go to work for two consecutive days, coming home late and then taking Beryl-the-Dog out for an evening walk, meaning I could barely get a go at all, so not really that obsessively - but I did stay up later than usual and I did log in right after breakfast, just so I could get few more moments, so I think that counts...

Now I want to play it again... or at least write about it...

No! Discipline. Discipline!

So, here are all the new blogs I don't think I have seen before, bearing in my mind my terrible (And getting worse all the time.) memory. Seriously, it's bad.

In the last seven days alone I have

  •     Got out of the bath without having washed the shampoo out of my hair. (On the plus side - I still have hair!)
  •     Put the cap on a thermos of coffee without first having screwed in the stopper, only noticing when I shook it and a load of coffee spewed out.
  •     Switched the oven on at the correct time, let it pre-heat, then checked the time, decided I was an hour early (I wasn't.) and switched the oven off again.

At my age this could have implications but honestly I was doing this sort of thing in my thirties so I'm hoping it's just what I'm like.

What did I come in here for again?

Oh yes, Blaugust! And those new people!

There's a spreadsheet with everyone's details, something I didn't realise until I followed the link at Time To Loot.

Working from that, these are the ones I don't immediately recognise from previous years. Deepest apologies if I include anyone who I've forgotten I already know. Even deeper apologies if I've included anyone on whose blog I've left comments in the past. Would not be the first time. 

A Day In The Life Of Flash

A Geek Girl's Guide

A Nerdy Fujo Cries

A Vuelta Por Los Mundos

Blogging With Dragons

Cinder Says

Cubic Creativity

Dice, Tokens and Tulips

Digital Visceral

Dispatches From Darksyde

Everything Is Bad For You


GamerLadyP - Gaming, Books and Musings of a Lady Gamer

Gaming Omnivore

Hundstrasse: Rambles About Games

Just Call Me Roybert

Kay Talks Games

Ludo Lama

Meghan Plays Games

Monsterlady's Diary


The Ghastly Gamer

The Last Chapter Guild

Phew! That was a lot. And you wouldn't believe how much fiddling about it took to get everything right. 

Not that it is. Right, I mean. Some of the underscores are a weird, bluey color. You should have seen it half an hour ago, though. It was so much worse. I am not touching it again.


That can be one of those blogging examples if you like: know when to stop futzing about and just hit publish. It's never going to be perfect and tomorrow you have to do another, so no-one cares.

Blogging is not for perfectionists, that's my take, although I'm sure someone else will disagree and waste no time telling us why. 

This is Blaugust, after all. It's what we do!


  1. If it's any consolation, for me all of your links are an identical lovely shade of hot pink, so I'm guessing you did just fine!

    1. Ah, that's good to hear! It's what they're supposed to look like! Thanks for confirming it!

    2. I am totally going to cut and paste those links. Thanks for the hard work. And it is indeed very uplifting to see so many new participants in this years Blaugust. And they say blogging is dead. Pah.

    3. @Roger Edwards - It's already out of date - we've had some more sign-ups, which is fantastic. I'll try to update it later today so feel free to come back and grab the revised version.

  2. "That can be one of those blogging examples if you like: know when to stop futzing about and just hit publish. It's never going to be perfect and tomorrow you have to do another, so no-one cares.

    Blogging is not for perfectionists, that's my take, although I'm sure someone else will disagree and waste no time telling us why."

    No argument here this time! :)

    Although, I did see that Ghastly Mirror's URL seems to be borked in your list in-post. Heading to an invalid URL against your blog's domain. Other than that though, like Krikket, the list looks good!

    1. Bah! Thanks for letting me know. I thought I mouse-overed them all to check but I missed that one. Fixing it now.

  3. No! Discipline. Discipline!

    "Remember: Patience... Discipline..."

    Or so say The Forsaken. (In a raspy voice.)

    1. Very good advice. Although the Undead have something of an advantage in the patience department.

  4. Dangit, you nerdsniped me into Blaugust. It's fine: I needed restart anyway after about a decade off, and this is a good excuse. GL with your end, which I expect to flow very smoothly. Stay laminar!

    1. Excellent! I'm guessing the blog you're going to be participating with won't be the one on your Bloger profile. That would certainly raise the tone!
