Blaugust 2018

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Yet Another New Direction For New World

The big mmorpg news of the moment has to be the much-hyped and even more highly anticipated launch of the Brimstone Sands update for Amazon Games' floundering flagship title, New World. There's already been a flurry of posts in my blog roll from people who haven't yet played it and this is going to be another.

Oh, wait! No, it's not! Because I have played it! Well, some of it. A tiny sliver, a taster, a teaser. The merest trifle. One hour, precisely or, rather, imprecisely. Fifty-seven minutes, timed courtesy of GeForce Now, my preferred portal for playing games that make my PC chug like the little engine that really rather wouldn't, thank-you very much.

In light of the surprising revelation that I have some hands-on experience to work with, I think I'll mothball the post I was going to write, a rather stuffy extrapolation of the kind of huffy, borderline passive-aggressive comments I've been leaving on other people's posts, where I've been making (Entirely justified, in my opinion.) comparisons between the Year One development paths of New World and Guild Wars 2, in favor of some good, old-fashioned Very First Impressions . I took a lot of screenshots; I might as well use some of them. (Oh, no you won't! Ed.)

So, let's begin at the beginning: character creation. Okay, that's not exactly the beginning. There's still the moody cut-scene that dates back to when the game was going to be called Conquistadors and Cutlasses (No really... or was it? No, it wasn't. Should have been, though.). At least, I'm guessing it's the same cut-scene. I hit Escape about three seconds in when I saw it coming. I must have sat through it at least ten times now and while it was impressive enough at the start, I think I've had about as much of it as I can take.

The rest of character creation seems much as I remember although I'm not going to swear nothing's changed. Once again, I couldn't summon up the enthusiasm to go through all the options one at a time yet again, so I hit "Randomize" a few times until it kicked up an image I liked. I'm now a green-eyed, raven-haired, somewhat piratical wench with a Veronica Lake 'do. It's a look I'd never have made for myself but it's striking and I like it.

I say "raven-haired"... It depends on the light. It was jet black in character creation but on the deck of the ship in the storm-filled cut scene that followed, it turned electric blue. Since then, my hair's been almost auburn and a weird kind of subdued pinky-purple. Maybe it's the residual magic draining out or maybe I'm a superhero and just don't know it yet. (Not as unlikely as you might imagine, given what's coming later.)

The next part on the beach is about the same as it ever was, although I think it's been beefed up a little to make it feel more dramatic. The tutorial hammers home the basic commands in more merciless fashion than I remember, too. The fight with the Captain who throws fireballs at you has definitely been upgraded to last longer, although it's still scripted to have you lose no matter how well you seem to be doing. 

After that, it's back to the campfire at the beach like always. I didn't get any choice on which settlement to start at, a change I think was made long before the latest update. It's Monarch's Bluffs or bust, now, it seems, because that where the King Arthur stuff happens and you wouldn't want to miss it.

Speaking of choices, I wasn't able to pick the server I wanted, Themyscira, home of Wonder Woman and Belghast, because as Bel's already discovered, the doors have closed. The sign says it's only temporary but I obviously wasn't going to wait. I picked one of the servers that was flagged light blue, Heliopolis. In a moment of madness, I also named my character Sarsparilla Flynn, a decision I'm sure I'll come to regret if I end up wanting to play her for more than a few sessions.

Thanks to New World's annoying one character per server-cluster rule, this is actually the first time I've made a new character since launch, although I made plenty before then. It's been so long since the last time, I really can't say what's changed, if anything, about the opening stages of the main questline, which in any case used to vary slightly depending on which settlement you washed up near.

The parts where you make a skinning knife, kill and skin some boars and make yourself something to eat seem roughly as I remember them, although I think maybe it used to take more than one boar to satisfy the Warden. After that, though, there are significant improvements.

And, yes, I do thnk they're improvements. I was happy enough with the old version, where you went foraging among the wrecked ships along the beach for various supplies, but the new version, which has you meeting a feisty pirate captain (I think she supposed to be Irish although it's not always easy to tell with some of the voice acting in New World, most of which is surprisingly ramshackle for a project of it's size and budget.) and cutting a deal with her to recover items from a ship's manifest as well as her own lost possessions, feels much more urgent and exciting.

Someone is going to pop into the comments to tell me none of this is new, I just know it. Even as I type, I'm getting flashbacks of doing all this stuff before. I think what they've done is keep the bones of the previous tutorial and zhoosh it up a bit but exactly how much is new I couldn't say with any authority. Whatever the truth of it, the current version is slick and satisfying and just like the early stages of every other mmorpg, so job well done there, guys!

There's also been some thought put into the rest of what you see and do in the opening minutes. One of the quests rewards you with a blunderbuss, the newish weapon that featured in another major update not too long ago, and there was a greatsword lying right in my path as I followed the quest marker to one of the shipwrecks. The greatsword, in case you haven't been reading the memos, is the featured weapon of the moment, introduced in this very update.

Naturally, I picked it up and started using it. Even though we never made it to Thermascyra, my character nust have the strength of an Amazon, judging by the ludicrous size of the thing. It's an ultra-low-level, grey item but it's still one of those crazy ironing-board shaped planks so popular in just about every fantasy game for the last twenty years or so.

It's fun to use, hitting slowly but hard, as you'd expect. I would love to train it up and see what tricks you can do with it, which I imagine is the idea. Even so, I was much more excited with the drop I got from a Drowned Sailor, a sword with a wicked curved blade that glows green!

There were a few other interesting bits and pieces lying around, all of which I scooped up. It made for a good opening impression but whther any of it was new with the update I couldn't say for sure. I definitely don't remember getting a green sword before, though.

One thing that absolutely, unequivocally is new is the voice that talks to you incesantly inside your head. Every time you do anything of even the most trivial import, some disembodied supervillain starts yammering away about how you've spoiled their nefarious plans and, man, you are so going to get it. 


Given they're talking to a bedraggled, confused survivor, who's barely been able to drag herself out of the waves and is now desperately trying to dress herself in rotting rags stolen from walking corpses even worse off than herself, it doesn't say an awful lot for the supposed authority of the speaker, who I take to be the mysterious "Isabella" from the before-times.

Nevertheless, it does certainly give the whole experience a more gamelike tone, as do the new static cut scenes done in the style of a superhero comic. I rather like those. I took a whole load of screenshots to show here but of course I forgot I was playing on GeForce Now so none of them saved anywhere I can find them. They're probably on a server in some in Nvidia bunker by now. I'll never see them again, that's for sure.

Fortunately, someone's already uploaded the whole thing to YouTube so here it is. And I can filch a couple of stills from it forto replace the ones I lost, too! Thanks Flex!

I also took a lot of shots of new quest dialog (All lost now, naturally.) some of which archly pokes fun at a few of New World's long-standing problems, such as what the hell Aeternum is supposed to be and how the whole eternal life thing is meant to work. I found them quite amusing but then I like a bit of metafiction in my mmorpgs. I imagine it will class as immersion-breaking for others.

Experience is supposed to have been ramped up to make the journey to cap faster but I think that probably kicks in later. The first ten levels always seemed to whip by and they did today but I can't say it felt faster than last time. That said, I was level 8 when I logged out and as I said at the top, I only played for just under an hour. That does seem quite speedy, now I come to think of it.

Overall, I was moderately impressed. The stuff I'm sure was new all seemed fine, even if tonally much of it felt completely out of kilter with the game as it used to be. The new version seems to be aimed far more squarely at a typical - maybe I should say younger - gamer audience. Back at launch, as I said many times, New World really had much of the feeling of old school EverQuest about it but i don't think that comparison would come readily to mind now.

And that, I imagine, is something Amazon Games would be very pleased to hear. They started out making a survival game, switched to some kind of hybrid and now they appear to have ended up with a full-blown, mass-market mmorpg. It's not exactly a WoW Clone but if it had tab-targetting it wouldn't be that far off, particularly when it comes to the questing.

I hope to start over for real when the Fresh Start servers come up in a few weeks, so I don't want to burn myself out before then, but I really enjoyed my hour today. Maybe I'll carry on and see where the plot takes me next. Or perhaps I should take my Level 60 into the new, high-level zone, Brimstone Sands itself. 

Hmm. That sounds like a better idea. I'll do that. I'll be sure to let you know how it all turns out.


  1. As I seem to recall you enjoy a good open world zerg, I'd like to offer up a reminder there's a new world boss fight for the Halloween event. Anyone level 35+ can do the quest, and the cosmetics you can get from include some really excellent pieces. There's a witch's hat with candles on it!

    I've been spending so much time spamming boss fights I haven't even gotten to Brimstone or the new leveling yet.

    1. Oh thanks for the heads-up! I didn't even have time to look at the Halloween stuff yesterday. That sounds right up my street - I'll see if I can find a zerg doing it today.

  2. I look forward to your impression if you do get going in it again. I missed the FOMO zone around launch, and by the time I had an opening in my schedule for a new game word on the street was pretty negative. I'd love to find out that they managed to turn it around.
