Blaugust 2018

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Picture Post

I wasn't going to post today. It takes me at least two or three hours to put a post together and I wanted to use that time to play games instead. Somehow, though, I managed to play Noah's Heart for so long today I'm actually all played out - and there's still an hour 'til bedtime.

What can I do with an hour, though? As I said, even the simplest post takes me two or three times that long. Ah, but not if I don't write anything!

It's been a while since I did a pure screenshot post. I keep taking pictures by the score. I really ought to use a few, once in a while.

Noah's Heart encourages taking screenshots, too. Not that I need much encouragement. The game has its own version of Guild Wars 2's vistas, only instead of making you climb up something then showing you a cut-scene, you strike a pose and take a selfie.

You get the option to share the shot, for which you get a reward - the first time you do it, at least. I haven't taken up that offer yet. I probably should, if only to find out exactly what happens, when you do.

It also asks if you'd like to save the shot. I always say yes.

Most of the shots in this post were taken that way. They tend to be well-framed, plus the game chooses an emote and removes the whole of the UI, including the character name and the watermark, something I tend to forget.

There's a good photo mode with a solid suite of camera controls and settings. When I remember to use it, I get great screenshots. A few of theshots in this post were taken by me, not the game but other than the ones I took today, I'm not sure I could say for certain which they would be.

I did take a lot of pictures today. I spent most of my time exploring. I've let that side of things slip, lately.

I play Noah's Heart every day for at least an hour but mostly I just do my dailies and the current holiday events and story season. It's really not the best way to spend time.

The world is gorgeous, expansive and filled with curiosities. There are a myriad of puzzles and adventures to find. I really should get out more. In game, that is. In real life, I probably should get out less.

And I should do more posts like this one. If I did, I'd have more time to play.

I'd like more time to play.

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