Blaugust 2018

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Day Fifteen

Little Steven & The Disciples Of Soul - 

Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight)


  1. Wow, the second Little Steven appearance on the list! (The first was as a member of the E Street Band backing up Darlene Love.)

    1. It was unintentional but it's not surprising. The two styles that really suit Christmas songs for me are the 1970s UK glam rock I grew up with and which still pounds out of every retail outlet's PA system for weeks over the hoiday season half a century later and the Phil Spectoresque wall of sound from a decade before even that. The E Street band/Little Steven/Southside Johnny and all that crowd are really a roughneck appropriation of Spector's sound, so they fit right into the season.

      I picked the Little Steven one mainly because I wanted to use the song but I've already linked the original Ramones version in a previous year's Christmas post. There are a few good covers of it but the video for this one really sold me on Little Steven's version. It's ridiculous.

    2. Typically when you hear an E Street Band (Bruce!)/Little Steven/Southside Johnny Christmas song, it's going to be Santa Claus is Coming to Town (live because they never recorded it in studio), where Bruce is teasing Clarence about asking for a new saxophone before the song starts. So that you pulled out this song --and a Ramones cover no less-- makes it extra special.

      But damn, I miss Clarence.
