Blaugust 2018

Friday, August 11, 2023

Forthcoming Attractions

I had a post almost ready for today but then I happened across something I felt I just had to share. I also had a couple of other things I've been waiting for a chance to mention and so...

Here we are!

I heard about it from NME, where I get most of my non-MMORPG gaming news these days. As it says in both the news report and the video, there's a demo out in a few days. Next Tuesday, to be precise. August 15 to be even more precise still.

Although I could scarcely be happier about the existence of this thing, I confess I'm somewhat puzzled by the format and the provenance. It's in the style of a first-generation Playstation game but the demo will be available on PC only, through

Since it's a fan-made project, I'm guessing it will only ever be available that way but who knows? I'm more interested in whether it's going to go on being available at all. 

As the developers hasten to make clear, "Blue Rose Team does not own the rights of the series." I'm not sure how far that disclaimer will take them, especially when they haven't even managed to get Mark Frost's name right: "Neither David Lynch nor Mark Forst are affiliatied with this project".

Proof-reading shortcomings aside, the video looks tone-perfect so I hope Messrs. Lynch and Forst .. er, Frost... are willing to let it slide. I'm looking forward to playing the demo and I'll no doubt have more to say about that when I'm done.

Speaking of looking forward to things... it's been a while but it's (almost) here!

It's the final season of Disenchantment, perhaps the least-loved of Matt Groening's creations but my own personal favorite. I'm very sorry this is going to be the last we see of Bean and the gang but at least they're getting a proper ending.

Season 5 Episode 1 debuts on Netflix on 1 September. There are ten episodes, the same as in all previous seasons, making a nice, round fifty in all. 

Other than that I have nothing to add because I've deliberately avoided finding out anything else about it. The last thing I want to do is spoilerize my own fun.

And finally...

I spotted a mention of this yesterday in one of the comic-related blogs I follow. I thought at first it must be a joke but it's not! It's real!

Sometimes I feel like a while back, around the turn of the millennium maybe, someone or something started tapping into my subconscious for tv and movie ideas. I mean, there's no other rational explanation, right? Otherwise, how do you explain something like that? 

It may not be great but it's sure to be a lot better than this. I mean, how could it not be?

At this point, I'd like to say "And that's all I got, folks!" Except it's not. But it is all I'm giving you. 

For now...


  1. Scooby Doo has been doing crossovers since 1969, with Dynomutt maybe being a bit of inspiration here. At least we aren't getting a terrible Tom and Jerry movie.

    1. Yes, I've seen a few although I was looking it up after I read your comment yesterday and there are way more than I knew about. I hadn't realized just how many Scooby Doo variations there are. I've watched most of the mainstream series but not the huge number of specials and dvd-only releases and so on. I might need to take a look at those.
