Blaugust 2018

Monday, December 18, 2023

Day Eighteen

Merry Christmas From The Family 

 Jill Sobule (Robert Earle Keene cover)


  1. That's.... quite an interesting family in the pic.

    As for the song, it's a pretty depressing Christmas song wrapped up in a nice upbeat piece of music. I guess it's almost passé to write a song like that for Thanksgiving, so Christmas makes sense.

    Are you planning on putting "The Season's Upon Us" by the Dropkick Murphys as a complement to this one?

    1. I feel confident in saying I'm never going to post anything by the Dropkick Murphys. Of course, now I've said it, they'll go and cover something bizarre and force me into it...

      It's interesting that you found Merry Christmas from the Family "depressing". I thought it was supposed to be a celebration of genuine, loving family life! Have I misinterpreted it? Hang on - I'm going to get the lyric version up and pay close attention... okay, I think it's warm, affectionate, accepting and wry. Not a depressing line in it!

      Not that I'd want them to be my family...

    2. I guess it felt depressing from the get-go when she sang about her parents getting drunk because it reminded me strongly of bad Christmas get-togethers from my past where people got drunk and into.... "disagreements".

      The drinking at the start was the high point of those evenings before that crazy relative started going off about "those people" and things just kind of spiraled from there.
