Blaugust 2018

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Day Fourteen

Rock & Roll Santa - Jan Terri


  1. Wow. That is a real throwback; not rockabilly or anything, and not punk, but it definitely fits somewhere in between. (And of course the interviewer mentions that 60s sound right after my typing this, although I can really hear the punk in it too.) I can't decide if the music video is self aware or not, but when she says "Tower Records or Best Buy" that makes me think the video was deliberately made in a pseudo "low budget" fashion. Still, it's a great song you can dance to.

    1. As far as I know, Jan Terri (I changed the spelling back again since the "I" version seems to be the predominant one.) was and still is, a kind of celebrity eccentric in the Chicago area, a naive and highly enthusiastic amateur, along the lines of The Shaggs. She seems to be genuinely "bad" as opposed to pretending to be, while remaining quite well aware of how people perceive her. She doesn't appear to let that duality affect her own self-belief. As it says in the documentary about her that's trailed on her website, "There's no definition for what she does". That said, I've heard plenty of worse songs and performances and seen not quite so many worse videos.

      The show itself is a cable access show from Chicago that has quite a few odd clips on YouTube. I could have used several other Christmas tunes from there but I'm saving them for other years.
