Blaugust 2018

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Excuse Me? Do I Know You?

I've spent so much time making Christmas cards today, I haven't had time to come up with a post so this is going to have to do. It's about an email I got this morning.

It was a long one but the important part was right at the top.

Yay me! A beta invite to a game I vaguely remember reading about a while back. Don't remember signing up but I sign up for these things all the time. Can't be expecedt to remember every one.

Oh, and look! I even get swag for showing an interest! Well, consumables, anyway...

I'm not doing much the rest of the week. Timing couldn't be better. Let's hit that big, red button, download the client and see what it's all about...

crickets chirp... tumbleweed rolls by... ... nothing happens...

Wait?! What?!

Why are you sending me an invite on the twelfth of December to a beta that started on the 6th? Did I miss a memo? Or more importantly an email?

... checks email history...

Nope. Nada. Nothing.

Hang on a moment... what's this bit at the end of the email?

What is this? Some kind of initiation? An initiative test? One of those Stanford psych experiments I've read about? Am I in the damn thing or am I not?

Is the beta even still running? I checked the website. Yep. Seems like it.

Maybe they're still filling those twenty thousand slots. Let me try that download again...

Okay! There we go!

I guess I'd better go read up on what I'm letting myself in for. I have almost no memory of what the game is about or even what genre it is, although it looks like survival/fps to me...

Yep. 3rd person shooter gameplay. Not my thing. Post-apoc setting. Not particularly my thing. Why did I sign up for this...? Ah, yes, that trailer... that'd be it.

Secret World vibes will get me every time.

There's no NDA so I guess I'll be posting my thoughts - always assuming I can stay alive long enough to see more than the spawn-in zone.

Shooters. Really not my thing...

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