Blaugust 2018

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Cataclysm? What Cataclysm?

Since Blizzard was desperate kind enough to offer me a free weekend in World of Warcraft Classic, it seemed rude to refuse. Even if I couldn't see any real point to it. 

I can totally see what Blizzard stands to get out of it. More players for Cataclysm Classic, of course. And what do players mean? Money! From a player's perspective, though, what could four days in the dying embers of Wrath of the Lich King Classic under the Cataclysm pre-patch offer? 

Don't look at me. I haven't been following this thing. I have a vague idea there are some tweaks from the original Cataclysm in the pre-patch but that might just be me getting it mixed up with something else. There are too many of these retro servers to keep up with nowadays.

I'm not even sure what version of "Classic" I have access to for the next couple of days although character select clearly indicates Cataclysm is already with us. Last time I played Classic was several years ago, just before the boycott. Back then, there was only one Classic. Now there are loads of them. I may not have been playing but I've been reading and I remember reading about Seasonal servers, Hardcore servers, Classic-Classic servers, Burning Crusade Servers and WotLK servers.

I remember there were deadlines when you had to do something or not do something to avoid or initiate server moves but I wasn't subscribing so I missed all of those. I remember Shintar explaining what would happen to my characters if I did absolutely nothing but I don't remember what she said it was. 

I am still on the EU/RP server Hydraxian Waterlords, I'm pleased to say. I thought I might have been relocated. I know, since I last played there, the server has at various times been everything from a ghost town to bursting at the seams. In the hour I was there this morning, I saw not one other player but it's hardly a representative sample. Still, you might expect to see someone in Ironforge on a Saturday morning.

As I said in a comment on Wilhelm's post on the free weekend offer, I didn't get anything from Blizzard to let me know in advance it was happening. The email inviting me finally turned up this morning, about a day and a half after the doors opened. It doesn't give you much confidence in the marketing department, does it?

Getting my Classic characters up and running again was both very simple and unnecesarily complicated. I opened Battlenet and the launcher immediately offered me an update, which I took. Unfortunately it had nothing to do with Classic. It was a 13GB download for Retail.

I worked out how to swap over to Classic, technically very straightforward to do while at the same time being very obscure. That, naturally, needed another download, although a much smaller one, thankfully.

One thing Blizzard does do better than almost anyone else is get you in and playing once you've worked out what version you want. The Play button lit up green in a matter of seconds even though the download had only just started.

I logged in to character select, where I found my Classic characters, tapping their toes and twiddling their thumbs, still waiting for me - all seven of them. I'd completely forgotten I had so many. 

I picked my highest, the Level 52 Dwarf Hunter and woke him up. He was down by the water's edge in Feralas. God knows why. Several notices popped up telling me various things including the surprising news that talking to other players is now an opt-in preference. Chat is disabled by default. I think we can all draw our own conclusions there.

A lot had changed, including all my Talents, which had been reset. I also had no combat abilities on my hot bars for some reason. There was no doing anything until I got that lot sorted.

It took about fifteen minutes. It's the kind of admin I don't particularly mind but it's surely not the best way to welcome back the prodigal. If nothing else, it did give me a moment to think about what I might want to do with my gifted time. Unfortunately, even after a quarter of an hour pondering on it, I still had no idea.

While I was re-assigning Talents and replacing hot keys, I did notice I was now entitled to a whole load of new abilities, some of which I was probably too mean to pay for last time and others that have no doubt been added to the game since I left. In the absence of anything better to do I ported back to Ironforge and made my way to the Hunter trainer, where I bought everything I was offered.

After that I headed out into Dun Morogh in search of the ranch where they train you to ride and sell you something to ride on. I was quite pleased with myself that I remembered where it was, although I did go to the Gnome riding school first. I'd also forgotten that Dwarves gad about on rams, which was quite a pleasant surprise.

I had 84 gold on me, which was more than enough to buy everything including a fast White ram. I even had some change left at the end. Whether I have more in the bank I have no idea because after taking a few screenshots I logged out. I just couldn't think of anything else worth doing.

I suppose, if I was serious about coming back for Cataclysm, I could carry on levelling up but I'm not even sure if I'm on a server that's going to be updated. The icon the launcher plonked on my desktop when it started patching is named "Burning Crusade Classic". 

I thought I remembered reading there weren't going to be any permanent BC servers but I was hardly paying full attention. Anyway, I thought that if you did nothing to stop it, you automatically carried on along the progression rails to whatever expansion station came next. Maybe I got shunted into a siding.

I'm thinking, though, that the whole point of Cataclysm was the remaking of the Old World. Wouldn't you want to start a new character to play through that anyway? I'm pretty sure that's what I'd do. If so, it makes it even harder to work out what this free weekend is supposed to do for me.

The danger with please-come-back offers like this is that if you don't actually come back, they can be a waste of a perfectly good weekend. In this instance, it was good to check in with my old Classic characters again, see they were still where I left them, wherever that was, but I don't think I'll be doing much more before the gates clang shut again on Monday.

Unless, that is, anyone has any ideas. Is there anything useful I could do now that would help, should I decide to try Cataclysm Classic in a couple of weeks? Answers in a comment, please...


  1. There's nothing you need to do now with the free period. Since you don't have a level 80 and aren't planning to level immediately on launch you can just wait until (if) you feel like playing Cataclysm Classic.

    The Classic servers are split between the progression oriented Classic Servers (BC -> Wrath -> Cataclysm) and the Classic Era servers which are kept at the Vanilla world level. The progression servers all move as one each time an expansion comes around so BC Classic and Wrath Classic are gone. Classic Era has the stock version, plus the Hardcore and Seasonal servers (currently Season of Discovery). (It would have helped if they had named Classic Era something like Vanilla or really anything other than Classic Era.)

    As a possible help, you can right-click on the launcher in the task tray to start the retail version or the Classic version. If you wanted the Classic Era version you need to bring up the full launcher and select that from the dropdown. It's a bit annoying if you want the Classic Era servers, but given the three versions of Wow available it isn't too horrible.

    Oh, Shintar probably said that if your characters were on a server that was closing Blizzard would pick where they moved to if you didn't make that choice yourself. So you might have some on servers you don't remember.

    1. I found out fairly easily how to change realms or versions or whatever the terminology is but I do think they could flag it up a bit more obviously. The thing that really puzzles me is why the icon that got added to my desktop when I patched Classic says "Burning Crusade Classic". Even if it was originally an oversight, I can't imagine they could have gone the whole way through WotLK Classic without anyone pointing it out, so it must be there intentionally at this point. But what does it mean?

    2. It's just Blizzard being sloppy and not to their usual standards. I guess most people put the desktop icons in the trash and just use the launcher or quick menu in the system tray. They really should have an intern update the name on that shortcut.

  2. I'm a bit fuzzy about the state of Hydraxian Waterlords. It was originally supposed to be shut down for Wrath Classic, but somehow got a stay of execution in the end. I think they are definitely binning it for Cata though, and once again offering free transfers elsewhere. That's probably why it seemed so dead when you checked it out, as it's literally supposed to go down in a matter of days.

    1. Waterlords... WATER lords! I always call it Warlords. I'll go change it after this comment. Nothing popped up offering me a transfer so I guess I'll just go wherever they send me.

    2. On the Character Select screen click on the Shop button. There you should see the "Free Character Transfer" option. Yeah, it is poorly done because you need to know both that the realm is closing and how to find the free transfer! :sigh: It be so much better if the free transfer option was by the character, such as you do for boosts and other customizations.

    3. Ah, thanks! I'll dothat before the free weekend ends.

    4. Lol, I hadn't even noticed that you got the name wrong, my brain just auto-corrected.

  3. The biggest lift for the Cata pre-patch for me has been going through and redoing my hot bars and figuring out how to use my combat skills again. I've spent some time over at Icy Veins to get some help in setting them up.

    1. I guess that's why mine had been cleared. I was really surprised when I repopulated them to find I didn't have room for everything I wanted even with almost 60 slots. It's surprisingly close to EQII's overkill. I think I have 80 slots there. Not that big a difference.

    2. Yeah, I did the standard thing of looking at that, then decided not to bother. I just did some tradeskill leveling in town and logged off again. I don't really intend to play the expansion until maybe later in, as a tourist.

  4. I don't think I've gotten any notification at all. Even after logging into the launcher, it still said "subscription required", but let me log in regardless.

    I spent about half an hour leveling tradeskills up to where I can continue them in cataclysm, if I intend to ever play that expansion, which I'm not at all sure about. But the market for some of the materials has crashed, so it cost a pittance, and I figured I might as well.

    Also, I inherited / staged a bloodless coup (depending on your view) in my old guild that folded at the end of TBC. I'm now the guild master, since the original GM hadn't logged in for months. Another personal guild with extra bank slots! So logging in reset the timer for me to be deposed in turn.

    1. The whole thing seems really sloppy. You need to be quite persistent to make it all the way into the game, which seems counter-productive for a promotional excercise. It works, but it doesn't make you feel anyone at Blizzard really cares whether you come back or not.
