Blaugust 2018

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

PSA - Islands Of Insight Is Free On Steam Until 1PM EST On 27 June

Thanks to MMOBomb for the heads up. I'm downloading the game as I type this.

I knew about Islands of Insight already but I hadn't really considered playing it, even though it does look quite interesting. Puzzle games and platformers aren't generally my thing but it's nominally an MMO, which means I probably should at least take a look at it - and it does look pretty. 

There was already a demo and the game will be 50% off in the Steam Summer Sale but between now and then it's free and free is a price point I really like. As for what the game is all about, here's the Steam thumbnail description:

Welcome to Islands of Insight: a sublime shared-world puzzle game set in a fantasy realm of ancient wonders and natural beauty. Brimming with mysterious puzzles to solve, secrets to uncover, and vibrant landscapes to explore, this peaceful world of floating islands is the perfect place to unwind. Embark on a puzzle adventure of your choice, all at your own pace.

That sounds okay. It also has a Very Positive rating from over a thousand reviews. What's not to like?

Having to play with other people, did I hear someone say? Apparently a lot of people did express that opinion because the game is also getting an offline mode, so you can puzzle away without anyone chipping in to tell you you're doing it wrong and "helpfully" giving you the solution. 

Although they couldn't have done that anyway because apparently the MMO version (Which you can still play if you prefer.) doesn't have chat. What kind of MMO doesn't let people talk to each other? 

Don't answer that!

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