Blaugust 2018

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Day Twenty-Two - Nice

Nightcore White Christmas


  1. Bhagpuss, have you gone VTuber?

    Anyway, I realize her voice was modified, but she kept up with the speed of the song quite admirably. I mean, most of us hear White Christmas and we immediately convert to a slow, Bing Crosby-led tune. This was NOT that.

    1. Funny you should mention it... I was slightly vague about exactly what a VTuber was until this week, when I read a post by someone in my blog roll... hang on and I'll see if I can remember who it was... aha, yes! It was at Everything Is Bad For You and from there I watched a little of the bizarre live version. Seriously, go watch some. It's a thing.

      So now I know what it is. We'll see if I delve further. I like this one, though.
