Blaugust 2018

Monday, October 31, 2022

Easy, Igor...

What's the proper greeting for Halloween? Anyone know? 

Clearly not "Happy Halloween" but "Have a Horrific Halloween" doesn't sound quite right, either. Why do holiday salutations have to be alliterative, anyway? I know, I know... no-one said they did. I mean, "Happy Easter" isn't. Nor "Merry Christmas", for that matter. Or, indeed, "Happy New Year". In fact, now I come to think of it, none of them are.

I'll go out and come in again.

Here's wishing you a Spooktacular Halloween!

Yeah, that'll do it.

Okay... I've been sitting on this one for a while. It's a really great cover of the quintessential Halloween party-starter. Enjoy!

It does absolutely everything a perfect cover should, reinventing the song while leaving its true essence intact. Alex has such a warm voice, too. Just the thing for a cold, October evening.

So, I had that one cued up but I really didn't know what else I was going to run with. I figured maybe I'd double down on the monster theme and do werewolves, vampires and ... mummies? Is that the Big Three? 

There are lots and lots of songs about both werewolves and vampires, metaphorical and literal. I spent a couple of hours sifting through some yesterday and barely lifted the coffin lid. In the end I decided I'd just pick one of each. You can have too much of a good thing, even when the good thing is a bad thing. (Monsters are bad, right? Or is that old thinking?)

When it comes to songs about werewolves, there's really only one choice.

I have always loved that song. Even when I haven't heard it for years, sometimes the chorus will just pop into my head, while I'm out walking or just sitting quietly at home. When that happens, you just have to howl it out. Seriously, you have to.

There was a time I howled at the moon quite often, if we're playing Never Have I Ever. It's really thrilling if you get a bunch of people doing it, more disturbing if you're on your own. Haven't had a good howl for a long while. Too long, maybe. Tonight'd be the night for it, I guess.

Not that I ever actually believed I was a werewolf. Or a vampire. People do, you know.

Which is fair enough. I mean, if you identify, you identify. We're all on a journey. Who's to say where it ends?

So, songs about werewolves and vampires was easy, just like I knew it would be. Mummies, though? I mean, you see the problem there, right?

There are more than I thought there would be, I'll say that. Are there any good ones, though, that's the question.

Well, kinda ... although no-one takes Mummies seriously, do they?

For bonus bandage points, try this. Bet you want to see the whole movie now, eh?

Hollywood monsters and high camp are all very well but some people like to be truly terrified for Halloween. If you're one of them, try this next one. It scared the bejeezus out of me and I'm not kidding. It's that smile that does it.

Props for going with "Happy Halloween", though. Maybe it does work, if you give it enough spin.

Just one more and then we're done for this year, I think. Not sure I know how to categorize this one so I'm not even going to try. It shows you don't have to pick a season-appropriate song, though. You can just get all dressed up. I hear people like to do that around this time of year.

Five million views on that one. I guess someone's heard of them before. I hadn't. It comes from a Halloween Special. They do one every year, apparently. All they do is other peoples' songs, too. I'm amazed they've never come up in a YouTube prompt before, given the number of times I've searched for covers. Just goes to show... something. Not sure what.

While we're on the subject of Halloween Specials, since I gave Wednesday a whole post to herself yesterday, let's end with the rest of the family. I watched this all the way through last night and found myself wondering the same thing I always wonder, whenever I watch the Addams Family, namely just what is Gomez' deal, anyway?

Answers on a gravestone, please.


  1. Not that I ever actually believed I was a werewolf. Or a vampire. People do, you know.

    Wait, people believe you're a werewolf or vampire? Okay, that's going to cause me to re-evaluate my understanding of who Bhagpuss is... ;-)

    Aside from that little quip, I really enjoyed your list. I'm gonna have to listen to more Warren Zevon, because even though I enjoy Werewolves of London I really want to hear more beyond just that.

    1. Yeah, I've heard more Warren Zevon than just that track but it is the one that sticks in the memory. He was in the vanguard of some musical movement or other I think but I'd have to look up what it was...
