Blaugust 2018

Friday, July 28, 2023

Blaugust '23 - The Long List

As Wilhelm reminded us all yesterday, Blaugust is only a few days away now. We have sixty sign-ups so far, which seems like a lot to me, although I know we've had more in other years.

Wilhelm included a handy list of everyone who's signed up so far, including links, which I'm very happy to reproduce here. You can also find in a handy spreadsheet here, which Belghast will keep updating as new people join. There are always a few people fashionably late to the party.

  1. [Blogging Intensifies]
  2. A Green Mushroom
  3. Aywrens Nook – Gaming & Geek Blog
  4. Bitterly Indifferent
  5. Broximar
  6. Calamity Jess
  7. Capsulejays Tales from the Backlog
  8. Chasing Dings!
  9. Contains Moderate Peril
  10. Cubic Creativity
  11. Cynnis Blog
  12. Dragons and Whimsy
  13. Endgame Viable
  14. EVE Online Pictures
  15. Frostilyte Writes
  16. Full Time Casual
  17. GamerLadyP
  18. Gaming Diaries
  19. Girl Goblin
  20. Heartless Gamer
  21. Hundstrasse: Rambles about games
  22. Inconsistent Software
  23. Indie Creator Hub
  24. Indie Dee
  25. Indiecator
  26. Inventory Full
  27. Its The Bageler!
  28. Juha-Matti Santala
  29. JustCallMeRoybert
  30. Kay Talks Games
  31. Knifesedge Blogs
  32. KONMAI Zone
  33. Lewis Luminos
  34. LFGryph
  35. Mailvaltar – MMOs and other stuff
  36. Many Welps
  37. McKenna Games
  38. Midnight Reading
  39. MMO Casual
  40. Mobile MMO Review
  41. Monsterladys Diary
  42. Nerd Girl Thoughts
  43. Nerdy Bookahs
  44. Nomadic Gamers Eh
  45. Off Fleek Geek
  46. Overage-Gaming
  47. Raindrop Blue
  48. Random Access Memories
  49. Scopiques Bunch o Stuff
  50. Shadowz Abstract Gqaming
  51. Tanking Mage
  52. The Ancient Gaming Noob
  53. The Friendly Necromancer
  54. The Gamepad.Club Blog
  55. The Ghastly Gamer
  56. The Last Chapter Gaming Blog
  57. The Lesser Key of St. Byleth
  58. Time to Loot
  59. Unidentified Signal Source
  60. Words Under My Name

I didn't just come here to piggy-back on Wilhelm and Bel's good work. I also wanted to mention that, as usual, I've added all this year's participants - the ones that weren't there already - to my increasingly unwieldy Blog Roll. 

Seriously, it's grown like Topsy, if you want a really outdated reference. There are just shy of three hundred of the things on there now. 

It's lively, too. More than sixty have posted in the last week; over a hundred in the last year. Not sure why people keep saying blogging is dead...

I'm guessing there has to be some limit to how many blogs the widget can hold but I'm finding what it might be extremely hard to nail down. The closest I've been able to find is a mention going back to 2012 of a limit of three hundred for blogs you can "follow" on Blogger, which may or may not be the same thing. 

If that turns out to be the case, I'm going to have to do something I've always tried to avoid: cull the herd. That would be a shame because blogs do flicker back to life occasionally, sometimes after years of inactivity. 

Until I run into the buffers, though, I'm minded to leave everything as is. Blogger handily timeshifts every new post to the top of the list, so it doesn't really matter how far the tail descends. 

Unless, of course, you happen to have one of those blogs for which Blogger can't find a feed. When I try to add one of those Blogger accepts it but drops the entry to the very bottom of the list, which is where it stays. If that happens, it's highly unlikely you'll ever see any traffic from me.

It did happen to two of the blogs I added yesterday: Raindrop Blue and Mobile MMO Addict. Neither of those turns up on the first five pages of a Google search either, possibly because they're both relatively widely-used phrases. If I have a moment I might tinker with things a little to see if I can shift them but for now, just be aware that's where they went.

Scanning through the list for this post, I also noticed a couple of duplicate entries. For now, I'm leaving those, too. For all I know they have different functions of some kind. If one of the pairs happens to be yours and you'd like to lose the duplication, just leave me a comment saying which needs to go.

Similarly, if anyone notices any other issue relating to the name or description or url or whatever, please drop me a comment and I'll fix it - always assuming it's within my capacity to fix. I really don't know what I'm doing here. I just make this stuff up as I go along.

And with that, I'll wish all our Blaugustians a very pleasant, relaxing weekend before the madness begins on Tuesday.


  1. I could see you ending up shifting the older or inactive blogs into a list of their own. Or if you decided to go wild and categorize things you could end up with a blog roll of blog rolls. ;)

  2. "Unless, of course, you happen to have one of those blogs for which Blogger can't find a feed."

    For me, that's Tales of the Aggronaut itself, which is why it's not on my feed, and consequently I forget it exists.

    1. Curious. Blogger finds TOTA just fine. It recognizes every blog I've ever asked it to add and finds feeds for 97% of them, which is pretty good. I thought it was pretty much baked into both Blogger and WP - I know I never did anything special to add a feed to this blog - but some of the missing ones are on those platforms. Maybe the other 3% didn't want to have an RSS feed.

    2. I'm having the same problem as Redbeard, so I disagree with the blanket statement that *Blogger* finds it just fine.

      Maybe it needs a special URL? I tried adding it to my blogroll as, but that gave me the error message about not being able to find its feed.

    3. Yes, this. I've worked Blogger over for a couple of days, trying different permutations of the URL --including the HTTP and HTTPS versions-- and simply threw up my hands and decided that it wasn't worth it to try to ask Google what's up with all this, because Google seems to frequently forget that Blogger not only exists but is owned by them.
