This is going to be a different post to the one I planned and a much shorter one, too. That's not so much of a problem from my point of view because I have something else I'd rather be doing anyway and the post I was planning was going to require a certain amount of research, by which I mean googling some stuff then cutting and pasting some links and screenshots, which if we're honest pretty much sums up most "research" these days and I'm not just talking about mine...
So, that was a snippy introductory paragraph. Possibly because I'm feeling a bit snippy, thanks to Windows 10 or my PC, one or the other, assuming it wasn't the pair of them, getting together to prank me, which I certainly wouldn't rule out. What happened was that I took a bunch of screenshots of various things I was thinking of writing about, all of which would have made up the infrastructure for two somewhat unrelated posts, one of which I may still get around to one day and the other of which I probably won't.
The first post was going to be a list of all the standalone game launchers I use - Daybreak, Amazon, GOG, Epic, NCSoft, Steam and a bunch of others - comparing them and commenting on which I like, what they do right or wrong and so on. I thought that might be interesting but obviously it would take some effort so I wasn't going to do it today when, as I said, I have other things to be getting on with.
I was nudged towards the idea by two things: firstly, the ongoing awfulness of Standing Stone's Lord of the Rings Online launcher, which is so bad I can't even bring myself to stick with it long enough to get into the game to see if I can move my characters over to the new 64-bit servers. There was that moment when it looked as if the "One Launcher" might fix things, until that turned out to be just as bad if not worse. Did that ever improve? I gave up on it almost immediately so I have no idea.Secondly, there was Kuro's launcher for Wuthering Waves, which I discovered, when I went to log in this morning, has just been upgraded or updated or replaced or something. I could be be a bit more specific if I had those screenshots because a couple of them were of the announcements explaining it. Unfortunately, wherever they went, if they went anywhere at all, I can't find them. They should always go in the default Windows Picture folder but not today they didn't, none of them. I took about a dozen.
After I found they weren't there, I took a few more to test what might have happened. For some reason, although a screenshot of the desktop still saves as normal, a shot of the desktop with the Wuthering Waves launcher open doesn't. It does go into the clipboard but it just sits there and then gets overwritten by the next one.
At this point you may be thinking "But Bhagpuss, the Windows clipboard saves the last twenty-five entries. If you only took a dozen shots, why can't you get them all from the history?" and that would be a perfectly good question, to which my answer would be "Because I had the history turned off, that's why!"
I have it turned on now but horses and stable doors and all that. In my defense, I had no idea there even was such a thing as a clipboard history until today but ignorance is no defense, as any competent brief will tell you.
So, that was one post I could have written today but now I'm not going to, although if I'm going to be realistic, I probably wouldn't have anyway. Too much work. I'll add it to that ideas folder I haven't got. Maybe I should start one.
The post I really quite likely would have written today because I was quite interested, not to say excited about it, arose from an in-game survey I took almost as soon as I logged into Wuthering Waves. Kuro are always doing player surveys, asking how us how we like certain aspects of the game and what other things we'd like to see added or changed and so on. They hand out in-game currency and other rewards for filling them in although I would happily complete them for free because I like filling out questionnaires and always have done.
This one was interesting for two reasons. Firstly, it specifically asked if we'd like housing.
I always put "Add housing" in the "Any other feedback" section so I was very happy to see an actual line item about it. Whether it'll happen is another matter but at least they're thinking about it. (This time I put "Add non-combat pets" in the suggestions box, in case anyone was wondering.)
That wasn't the thing I was going to post about, although believe me I could make a whole post about one line in a survey if I wanted to. There was something in the survey a lot more suited to a full post: a list of upcoming games Kuro wanted to know if we were looking forward to.
I thought that was taking quite a risk. They often ask which current games we're playing, usually accompanied by a list of a whole bunch of titles I have never played, considered playing or even heard of, but there's an existential difference between naming the games that might have been your competition in the past and putting the names of games that might be your competition in the future into the heads of your customers. Brave move.
Anyway, there were maybe a dozen names on the list, only one of which I'd heard of, that being Neverness To Everness. As it happens, that is a game I'm very much looking forward to, so I ticked that box, but I also immediately wondered: if that one was on the list, might I not also be interested in some of the others? Told you it was a risky move.
So I took a screenshot, intending to go look them all up after I finished playing to see what they were like and if any of them looked any good. I wanted to do that partly for my own satisfaction but also because it sounded like a great idea for a blog post. Lists and previews are both kinda my thing.
Except of course, when I went to look at that screenshot, it was nowhere to be found. And obviously I can't remember the names of any of the games. Not one. I mean, if I'd known the screenshot wasn't going to save I'd have written them down...
Also the survey isn't anywhere online that I can find. I already tried that.
It is possible, although not very likely, I might be able to get to the survey again from within the game itself. I don't think you can go back to old surveys but I'll have a look next time I'm playing, just in case. I'm not going to do it now, though. I just played through the whole of Act 1 of the Averado Vault storyline and that took me two hours. I'm Wuthering Waved out for the rest of the day.
And that's why there's no interesting post here today, just this. Sorry.
I did take several screenshots while I was playing, using the in-game camera, though. And those all saved properly, so at least there are some pictures to brighten things up. So there's that.
Be grateful for small mercies, eh?