Monday, September 10, 2012

Tequatl The Sunless : GW2

Yesterday I met my first Tyrian dragon. I'm not a big fan of dragons in MMOs. They tend to be overused and under-impressive. Not so here.

I believe there's some back-story that I haven't really been following concerning Elder Dragons. I hope Tequatl's one of them because if he's just a Junior Dragon I may need a bigger screen.

The fight itself lasted a few minutes. For a good deal of the time I was running around playing cub reporter taking photos and shooting video and for quite a while I was stuck inside a bone wall Tequatl dropped right on top of me, so I missed the finer points of the battle, such as whether that Asuran Laser ever fired.

In the end the dragon was defeated somehow and I got Gold for doing...something. Best dragon fight I have had in any MMO. Bring on the big ones!


  1. Nope, Tequatl's not an Elder dragon. Those things are, as far as I can tell from the lore, more like forces of nature - for example one of them, Jormag, defeated the entire Norn race and sent them into exile from their old homeland. Better invest in that bigger monitor :)

  2. The wiki calls Tequatl "one of Zhaitan's lieutenants". Zhaitan appears to be the Elder Dragon (singular).

    I really must get up to speed on this stuff.

    1. @Bhagpuss

      No, Zhaitan is ONE of the Elder Dragons. There are other Elder Dragons. But we will fight them, problably, at the expansions. Currently, players are going to level 80 dungeon for kill Zhaitan, but next expansions will have more Elder Dragons for kill.

    2. Ah yes, I didn't click through enough links on the wiki. Seems like there are five of them, one of which doesn't seem to have a name. Don't suppose that matters - it's not like I'm planning a gig as Toastmaster at the Elder Dragon Ball.

    3. That one that don't have a name really have a name: it is "Bubbles", the Bubbledragon... and better Anet not rename it now the name is "Bubbles"...


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