The Landmark alpha fades into the sunset today but never fear! In a couple of days it will rise from its shallow grave and lurch back to life as... Landmark Closed Beta!
Everyone who bought a Trailblazer Pack gets four beta keys to give away. Originally they were supposed to be the temporary one-week kind but SOE, out of the kindness of their hearts, I'm sure, have upgraded the offer: all free Trailblazer keys now last for the whole of beta.
I'm hoping to persuade Mrs Bhagpuss to donate one of hers for a giveaway here (haven't actually raised the idea yet...) but just in case that doesn't happen Isey at I Has PC might still have one left, if you're quick.
One hundred seventy million
3 hours ago
I sure as heck wouldn't mind one! :) I am getting my itch scratched from Windborne, but EQN:L seems like a different bag of cats.
ReplyDeleteI sure as heck wouldn't mind one! :) I am getting my itch scratched from Minecraft, but EQN:L seems like a different bag of cats.
ReplyDelete(Hmm, is there an echo in here?)
Yeah I've been enjoying your Hexxit series. Seems like a nice modpack.
DeleteI would happily take one if you have one on offer! Thank ya!
ReplyDeleteGot a key for you but I can't find an email address on your blog.
DeleteI got my own founder's pack and waiting for this month to be over already! yeeey
ReplyDeletesee you there! (maybe? :))
I haven't been playing the last couple of weeks but I popped in on Sunday to template my claim before it vanished and I was struck by how much more smoothly the game played and how much more "finished" the UI and functionality was. There's a lot more to go in in terms of gameplay and content but it does now feel beta-ready in terms of playability.
DeleteFriends lists and grouping is in now - not sure about guilds. Once everyone is in and building we should definitely network.
I'm still trying to figure out what "closed beta" means in the context of following on a buy-in Alpha, during which the NDA was dropped. Can I not still buy my way into the closed beta by dropping $99 on a founders pack, or has that offer expired? Closed betas tend to be "by invite only" and not "buy invite only." Will some non-spenders be invited this round? Will "open beta" not require a cash commitment at all?
ReplyDeleteI'll take an EverQuest Next key if you have one! Hah!
I think we're way past the point of semantic implosion where "betas" are concerned now. They use the same words they used to but the meaning got detached long ago.
DeleteShould you not be able to control your curiosity any longer you can buy into "Closed" beta for just $20, which always was and still remains the price of the basic model Founder's Pack, the "Settler". If you really wanted the alpha perks but couldn't face the rough edges of an alpha build then I just checked and it seems they are still selling all three packs, which I guess is the equivalent of buying Collectors Editions.
In fact, if the prices in the SC Store when the game goes Live (whatever that means these days) are anything like they were in late alpha then the Outfits alone make up a significant chunk of the value - shame they're all hideous...
As for EQNext, can there be any doubt they'll follow the same procedure now they have it up and running? If I get a free key for that you are very welcome to it - you might have to move to Europe to use it though if they stick to the idiotic Next-on-PSS1-Only plan.
Either I'm losing my mind or Blogger is playing up... I could have sworn I posted a comment this morning after the first three posts saying this but it isn't there so here it is again...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the interest, everyone. Mrs Bhagpuss has kindly agreed to donate two of her four beta keys. SOE haven't sent them out yet. Presumably they'll appear as the beta actually begins. First come, first served so Ravious and Jeromai get them ... unless either of you got one of Isey's, in which case there will be one for Corpserun (whose blog I added to the blog roll earlier).
I'll email them out (to the email addresses on your blogs) when they arrive but if anyone did get one from another source before then please speak up!
Jeromai is getting one of mine, so you have one freed up!
ReplyDeleteYay, thank you! Hope they send them out soon!
DeleteThanks - that's Ravious and Corpsrun then. I don't think they've arrived yet but Mrs Bhagpuss has been on the phone since I got home form work so I haven't yet had a chance to ask!
DeleteI know this is a longshot, but would you happen to have/know of anyone that still has an unrestricted beta key for Landmark? Been looking all over with no luck unfortunately. Really hoping to play this game as it looks amazing. Thanks for any help you might be able to provide. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I don't, not any more. We used all ours and the few other people I knew who had them found homes for them a while back, I think. Not that I imagine many of those keys are still being actively used, but there's no way to pass them on if you no longer want them, sadly.
DeleteMaybe someone reading this has one they could offer though...