Thursday, February 6, 2025

Games, Music, TV, Books... It Must Be The Grab-Bag!

Today, I believe we shall have a grab-bag of various odds and ends. Even though it is Thursday. Because tomorrow I believe we shall have a music post and on the weekend we shall have nothing at all. Because I have to work.

So, let us see what is in the bag. 

Oh, look! Surprise, surprise! Another email from Playable Worlds! It must be a day ending in "y".And what do they have to tell us this time? Something new and unexpected!

Painting The Galaxy Red

It seems Stars Reach has a story. Who knew? Seriously, though. Anyone?

I mean, they have been putting out those really rather quite good short stories on the website while pretty much telling no-one they were doing it but other than that I'm not sure we've heard anything about any lore underpinning the game.

It's an exaggeration to say there's a story. And after all, the game doesn't need one. Raph is very keen to let everyone know Stars Reach is a "true sandbox". Apparently, though, there is some lore behind it all. Well, a paragraph, at least:

"You are one of 8 kinds of humans who have destroyed their homeworlds. Thanks to the TransPlanetary League, a government formed by the eight types of humanity, you have been given a second chance to leave your homeworld behind to head out into the larger galaxy. They’ll hand you a simple blaster, starter tools, and basic training before letting you loose to make a new life among the stars."

There you go. Now you know.  You're basically the scum of the galaxy, one of the surviving members of a bunch of losers who somehow managed to fuck up their own planets so badly they can't live there any more. Now the whole gang of environmental criminals has come together to spread their incompetence and destruction far and wide across the entire galaxy. 

It's not what I'd call an inspiring start. It's dangerously close to "Colonialization: the Space Sim". I was particularly unimpressed to learn that the first and presumably most important item the authorities issue you with is a gun. Get out there, kill anything that gets in your way, take their stuff. Pretty much Colonialism 101, isn't it? 

I'm not sure PW is reading the room here. This sort of stuff isn't going down too well in certain circles just now but it's too popular altogether in others. Which side do you want to be on? 

Less controversially but equally surprisingly, there's a whole lot more in the email about stuff that's not in the pre-alpha. Things like character stats (There are nine of them, apparently.) and quests (There will be some and you'll be able to make your own, too.). There's also a map of the galaxy although it's unclear if it's just an indication of how things will work in general or a specific, accurate map of all the locations that are going to be in the game. 

There's even a flow-chart of what you can do in Stars Reach. Or more accurately will be able to do when it's there. It's mostly not there now, I'm fairly sure...

One thing that did catch my attention was this: 

"A planet is a zone. A part of space is a zone. Zones are connected by wormholes.

I guess that pretty much puts paid to the idea of spaceships. It's going to be old-school zoning, albeit dressed up as going through "wormholes", I guess. Which is what we're seeing in pre-alpha, minus the wormholes part.

Why Call Her Back From Heaven?

There's going to be a Buffy reboot and Sarah Michelle Gellar is going to be in it!

Really good news. If it ever happens. It's kind of a long way out still but getting closer all the time.

According to Variety, the project is currently "nearing a pilot order" with Hulu, which I think means that someone might be about to green-light a pilot that might get picked up for a series. Sarah Michelle Gellar is also "in final talks" to star in it, so that's not even a certainty, either. 

If it ever happens, it sounds like they have a solid framework, anyway. SMG (Weird acronym...) would appear as a "recurring character" in a mentor role to a new Slayer, which I guess makes her the reboot's Giles. There is the small problem of the way the original series ended, which was with hundreds - maybe thousands - of Slayers appearing across the world but I'm sure that's easily solvable with magic.

The new show, if it comes, will be directed by the Oscar-winning ChloƩ Zhao. The Zuckerman sisters will write and act as showrunners and Dolly Parton is signed up as Executive Producer, as she was for the original. If they can't get commissioned with a team like that then the money-men really do know nothing.

I'm optimistic but of course, even if it goes ahead, it'll be a looooong wait.

When She's On Her Way To Hell

Sabrina, that is. Sadly, I don't have news of a Chilling Adventures reboot but I am here to recommend Sarah Rees Brennan's trilogy of novelizations of the TV show. I got the set for Christmas, I've just finished the third book and they're all excellent.

Novelizations of TV shows and movies are often so much better than they need to be but these are really outstanding. Not only are they very well-written indeed, they're beautifully designed and packaged as a set. If we had them at work, which of course we don't because we never have the books I want to read, they'd make an excellent display.

The most impressive thing about the trilogy, though, is the way it adds insight into what you see and hear in the show itself. One thing novels handle much better than television or the movies is interior monologue and there's often plenty of that in novelizations but SRB (Much better.) goes well beyond the normal "here's what they were thinking in that scene you remember". 

The three books all employ a different technique and within each there are several more. Only Sabrina ever gives her thoughts in first person but in one of the volumes all the characters' thoughts are represented in idiosyncratic mental registers that sometimes align with but more often diverge from what's shown in the series.

It was so well-done that at first I thought it was being done badly. I felt the author was contradicting both the canonical content of the show and her own, earlier interpretation. As I read on, though, I began to realize she was doing something much more subtle and clever - allowing us to hear not just the private thoughts of the characters but to hear those thoughts from each character's own, unmediated perspective, something often quite different from the way the character wants others to perceive them.

It's a damn good trick if you can pull it off and Brennan very much can. Unfortunately, the trick she apparently couldn't manage was to get the publishers (Scholastic, possibly the last publisher you'd expect to publish a book with a dedication from the author that literally ends with "Hail Satan".) to stump up for more than three books once the series got canned, so the third book ends right in the middle of a tale now most unlikely ever to be told. 

The upshot of all of this is that I really, really want to re-watch the entire series again and also that I'm now extremely likely to read anything else by Sarah Rees Brennan I can get my hands on. She's written some original fantasy but she seems to specialize in novelizations of YA supernatural series. I'm going to have to get hold of her Shadowhunters and WINX adaptations, one of which was published under the name Ava Corrigan for some reason, although she can't have been more uncomfortable being known as the author of a WINX spin-off as I will be if anyone asks me what I'm reading, when I'm reading it in the lunch room at work.

Also, I need to read the comic-book continuation of Chilling Adventures, which was brutally curtailed at the end of Season 4 by the evil Netflix, that ultimate villain no televised hero can ever defeat. The continued adventures of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in comic-book form after the series ended were absolutely top-notch so, once again, I'm optimistic.

Home Is The Hunter

Blizzard is finally getting around to adding housing to World of Warcraft and Grimtooth of Not All Hunters is feeling ambivalent about it. So would I be, if I could be bothered feeling anything at all.

It's a mark of how far I've drifted from the anchor that held me to the MMORPG scene for so long that I haven't even felt a momentary urge to revisit Guild Wars 2 to see what the housing there is like. Now I find I don't feel much more inclined to revisit WoW to check out the accommodation there, either.

Of course, at the moment there's nothing to see. Not even a prototype. Some artist's impressions, like the architect's models you see in the showrooms of house-builders, and that's all.

We do have some idea now of what Blizzard intends, though, and I have to say it doesn't look at all bad. MassivelyOP reported yesterday on what they're calling "the design pillars for World of Warcraft's accessible neighborhood housing". It's an encouraging document, including as it does "Boundless Self-Expression" as the first and foremost pillar. I think that means decorating. If so, I'm all for it.

A painterly style vista with orange and purple hues on a rocky expanse next to a body of water.

The second pillar, "Deeply Social", interests me not at all but the third, "Long-Lasting Journey" is welcome news. At least, it is as far as it goes, which isn't nearly far enough. 

Despite calling it "an evergreen addition to the game", the timescales to which the press release alludes - "multiple patches and into future expansions" - don't feel as reassuring as they should. Once you add housing, it needs to be there for the lifetime of the game. If not, don't bother.

Grimtooth's take on all this is interesting since it focuses not on the housing players are going to see but on the cost to Blizzard of adding it to the game, particularly in terms of server load. I've rarely seen anyone even mention this side of the housing issue before and I've certainly never thought much about it myself. 

Maybe it explains why Yoshi P. always seems so reluctant to give every Final Fantasy XIV player free access to the housing they want. I always thought that was to create artificial scarcity and thereby instill FOMO but maybe it's more like fear of drowning the rest of the game in housing-induced lag.

Just about every other MMORPG manages to provide housing of one sort or another, though, so I'm sure Blizzard can do it. I don't imagine I'll care enough to re-sub but if there's a shack or a hut going for players on the Endless Free Trial then I'll be happy to grab mine. I'm guessing that won't be until next year but who knows? It is in the Roadmap for 2025, I believe.

And that'll do for now. As always, let's finish with a song, even if we're getting a whole post full of them tomorrow.

Woman Driver - The Pill

There are two bands (At least.) called The Pill. This is the one I like. They remind me of Shampoo, a bit, as well as a certain other band from the same place they come from, the Isle of Wight. You know who I mean.

We might have another from them tomorrow.


Notes on AI used in this post.

Just the header image but the process was interesting. I wanted to use a composite shot of Buffy and Sabrina. I could have found a couple of pictures and photo-shoppped them together myself but I'd been at this for a while and I was in a hurry so I googled for one someone else had done. I found a good one but then I started to get uncomfortable about just pinching it so I thought I'd mess around with it and make the provenance a bit less obvious.

I ran it through a couple of filters in, trimmed it a bit, removed all the text and finally re-rendered it as an ink sketch. It looked good but still altogether too much like the original, so I had the bright idea of laundering it through AI. I uploaded the image to NightCafe and let Flux Schnell have a run at it with the prompt "Movie poster, technicolor, widescreen, 1950s"

At the default settings, that produced something utterly unrecognizable, as if the AI had completely ignored the uploaded image altogether. I pushed the Noise Weight slider all the way back to zero to make the model stick rigidly to the starting image and that gave me the version above. About all it seems to have done is make Buffy's face a little harder and add a night scene with a car in the deep background, which I rather like.

The interesting part about all this to me is what it does or doesn't do to the ownership of the image and the rights that adhere to it. The picture I started with came from YouTube and was almost certainly constructed from other images from elsewhere on the web, presumably culled directly from the shows' PR materials. The image at the top of this post is an AI-generated interpretation of an algorithmically produced "sketch" based on a modified copy of a screen-grab from YouTube, taken using the Screenshot facility provided by YouTube itself. 

I'm not sure that's any cleaner, morally or legally, than just stealing the image would have been in the first place, although as far as I understand it, as an AI image it now can't be legally claimed by anyone. I'll credit the creator anyway. It's a channel called Doing OK.


  1. We're in the midst of a Buffy/Angel re-watch so I'm currently fairly invested in this reboot. Though I'd forgotten how damned grim the last couple seasons of these shows got. I need them to throw a 'fun' episode at me soon!

    1. That's the gist of the "Heaven" sub-heading above. The two (Or is it three?) seasons after Buffy dies and Willow necromantically brings her back from Heaven are a ridiculously tough watch for a show that started out as a monster-of-the-week high-school comedy, with Buffy pretty much clinically depressed for the entire time. It's the main reason I haven't rewatched the whole run yet.

      I haven't watched Angel at all though and I have a box set of the whole thing on DVD. I should watch that first, I guess, but I've already heard it gets pretty grim too...

  2. Housing is a hard sell for me, but New World has proven it's something I can come to love if it's done well. The preview for WoW's left me pretty cold. The limitation to only two zones is a big disappointment to me. The surrounding scenery is probably the biggest factor in how I pick my in-game homes. I mean, if location is the most important part of real world real estate, why would virtual real estate be any different?

    Considering roughly half of all Horde characters are Blood Elves and housing is launching in an expansion that's all about Elven culture, having no Elven-themed housing neighbourhoods feels like a pretty big oversight to me.

    I'm not really a big fan of the neighbourhood idea in general, either. It's not a dealbreaker, but I'd rather have something more private. This feels like the last gasp of Blizzard's former philosophy of forced grouping above all else.

    1. The whole argument against instanced housing is spurious enough to begin with but by capping the neighborhoods at 50 plots and then allowing Guilds to populate entire thing and set it to Private it seems like Blizzard might be trolling. How is that supposed to be "Deeply Social"? It's barely even Shallowly Social!

      As for only having two locations, that's just dumb, particularly when they also talk about the appeal to roleplayers. No-one roleplaying a Dwarf or a Night Elf is going to want to set up home in Elwynn Forest. On the positive side, if housing is popular they're bound to expand and iterate on it so whatever we get is just going to be a first draft.

  3. a Chilling Adventures reboot

    Wait, isn't that series less than a decade old? What the hell?

    As for Retail WoW player housing, I had thoughts on that and kind of messed up Grimmy's comment section with a huge word salad. I saw that post last night and said to myself "I'm too tired to comment now, but I sure as hell am going to comment tomorrow."

    1. There isn't going to be a Sabrina reboot. I just wish there was, although a continuation would be even better.

  4. Replies
    1. Subtle. I'll give you one but that's your lot.

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