Here's another reason why blogging's great. People give you ideas.
As Philip Larkin said
about parents, they may not mean to but they do. In this case the idea came
from Kaylriene, who
posted yesterday about the arcane topic of flushing the water-cooling loop on a PC.
I read the piece with horrified fascination. Just knowing there are
people doing this sort of thing in their own homes is disturbing enough but the real shudder of eldritch terror comes
from the suspicion that one day we'll all be doing it and we'll think it's normal.
In reaction to that Lovecraftian terror, I drafted a comment. I tried to keep it as neutral as possible. I opened with the observation that if there was one
thing that might drive the mainstream acceptance of remote services like
Google Stadia it would be the thought of having to spend an evening
doing something like Kaylriene had just described.
As I was typing I realised I wasn't one hundred per cent certain what Google
Stadia was so I thought I ought to do some fact-checking before I made a fool
of myself. In the process, I read
an article
that also mentioned some other cloud gaming options, one of them being
GeForce Now.
There was
a link to that
and I clicked on it to see what the difference was, which is how I found out
GeForce Now has a free option and that one of the games most recently added to
the platform is New World. I imagine you can see where this is going.
I'm very happy with New World. I like most everything about it. I've already
played for over a hundred hours and I would play it more if it wasn't for one
thing: If I do, I'm worried my PC might explode.
Okay, it's not quite as bad that but playing New World does put a huge strain
on my aging and not very impressive to begin with system. I can run the
game on High settings, if there's no-one else anywhere near my character but it
makes all the fans rev up in a way I am not at all used to hearing and it
makes me very anxious.
With the graphics on Low the game plays smoothly during the day and even at
the lowest settings it looks pretty good. Pretty and good in fact. My
PC, though, has a bad time of it even though the game itself runs adequately. Tabbing out causes all kinds of
ructions and the hard drive goes into continual grind mode. How ironic, right?
I've taken to closing everything else while I play, even Firefox, which
is CPU-hungry at the best of times but even with nothing else in play the
whole machine struggles to cope. When I log out it takes the best part of five
minutes to settle down. Sometimes I can't even use the mouse for a minute or
Even before New World I'd been looking at upgrading. Nothing else I play has
the same kind of issues but doing things like changing maps in
Guild Wars 2 seems to take a lot longer than it used to and I feel like
I'm noticing slowdowns and general sluggishness all over the place.
My current PC is now five years old and I've added nothing to it in that time
other than some extra storage. The last two machines I had got upgrades while
I used them and replacements before they got to be as old as this one. Back
then, though, both components and whole PCs were a lot cheaper than they are
For very well-known reasons, this is a bad time to upgrade or replace a gaming
PC. I looked at graphics cards again recently and to get a card that's a
significant improvement on the one I have would cost me around £300. That's
almost three times as much as I've ever paid for a graphics card and twice
what I'd be prepared to pay at the moment.
Other upgrades are more reasonable but still overpriced. What's more, there
seems to be a consensus that some of these items will fall heavily in price
next year and even further the year after that as the supply issues resolve
themselves and producers overcompensate for the shortages.
And my PC is fine (Touches wood, crosses fingers.) It's probably the best I've
ever had in terms of reliability, stability and all round not giving me
problems. I don't want to change it. It plays most old things perfectly well
and old things are mainly what I play.
If I want to be able to play new things too, though, I'm going to have to do
something eventually. In a while, probably not a very long while either, there
will be new things I want to play that won't run on my PC at all, even at the
lowest settings.
Windows 11 won't, for one. I tried the benchmark yesterday and failed. A lot of people with much newer, more powerful
machines than mine are finding out they can't pass that bar. Not that
it matters. I can manage happily for quite a few more years on
Windows 10. I imagine everyone can. Everyone except Microsoft.
They have to make money somehow and selling people a new OS they didn't want
is what they know. It's a warning call, all the same.
I finished my comment to Kaylriene by saying "Hmm. I think I might be talking myself into something…" and I was. I was talking myself into taking one of the cloud computing
services for a test run.
GeForce Now, unlike the others I looked at, has a low-grade free option. It's
very restrictive in terms of usage. You get a one hour session and if there's
demand at the time you want to use it you have to queue. Doesn't sound great
as an alternative to having everything available 24/7 on your own machine.
Except it's not quite as bad as it sounds. Each session is limited to a
maximum of one hour but there's no limit on how many sessions you can have in
a row. What it really means is you have to log out once an hour and log back
in again. If it's busy you rejoin the queue.
That's not too disruptive, even less so when you consider
my queue this morning was three people and took ten seconds. Also, I already have to log out of New World not infrequently to clear various
Amazon haven't yet fixed, the worst being that one that prevents any
quest markers from appearing on the map or the compass. It's a very different
game without quest markers and not one I want to play although I'd bet there are
people out there who claim they prefer it that way.
It at least seemed like it would be worth a try so first thing this morning,
after I'd posted my comment, I set about registering with Nvidia GeForce and
linking it to my Steam account. Sounds so simple, doesn't it?
It took me over an hour. Some of it was my fault, some of it the obtuse and
unintuitive processes themselves. In retrospect I should have realised I'd
need to make my account with Nvidia using the same email account I'd used for
Steam. It was entirely predictable the two companies would handshake that data
to cross-check which games I owned.
Yeah, I didn't think of that, though. Not until I'd registered under another
of my many Gmail accounts and then found the two wouldn't talk to each
I probably should also have worked out that having two registered accounts
with Nvidia would confuse matters even more. I could have saved myself some time by
deleting the first account before I added the second.
It's easy to delete a GeForce account, fortunately, unlike, oh, say, one you might
have made with ArenaNet to play Guild Wars or GW2. To get
your name off their books you pretty much need a doctor's note and a psych assessment but all Nvidia
ask is a couple of clicks.
Once I'd sorted that out there were more shenanigans trying to get the two
accounts to sync. I've managed to get along perfectly well until now without any
kind of Steam profile at all but Nvidia weren't having any of that. They wanted
to know more about me than
Valve ever did.
I made a Steam Profile but that still wasn't good enough. It won't work if you
set it to Private. It has to be Public. I have no idea why Nvidia are so dead
set against anonymity. It's not as though they actually check who you are,
just who you say you are. I registered my first account as
Frito Mosquito and they seemed fine with that.
Unfortunately, back when I made my Steam account I gave them my real name
(Which, in case you were wondering, is not Frito Mosquito, although I kind of
wish it was.) If you want to buy games from the store you have to, really.
Honestly, I think my days of pretending to everyone on the internet I'm not
who I am are done. Not that I plan on using my real name when I don't have to
but I have to recognize that I've already had to use it so many times it
probably doesn't matter any more. The feline is loose from the burlap. It was
a good run but it couldn't last.
There were a couple more hitches as I failed to understand exactly what it was
either Nvidia or Steam were trying to get me to do. There were several
sendings and resendings of codes to different email addresses. Steam seemed
surprised I was logging in from a new location even though it had just passed
my data to a service whose only purpose is to let me do just that.
Applications got opened then closed then opened again. Error messages were
read, assimilated and dealt with. Finally, about an hour and a half after I'd
started, I pressed the big, green Play button and New World actually started.
Of course, Geforce Now assumed I wanted to play on EU servers but it didn't
quibble when I swapped to East Coast NA and when I did, there was my
character, waiting for me. I logged them in and everything worked.
Sort of. As a "new" installation on a remote machine, every
setting was back to the original defaults. That must be kept client side, I
guess and I was on a different one.
Why the camera controls default to
the "inverted" version is harder to explain. Once I'd stopped my character lurching around like a drunk on a highwire I
went through the settings and put them all back as I like them. Then I looked
around. It didn't seem much different to what I was used to.
I checked the video settings. They were all defaulted to
"Low", just as they were on my machine when I got the game. I found it unlikely that Nvidia
would be using hardware that feeble even for the cheapskates on the free
option and I was right. I reset first to High and then to
Very High (Which is as high as it goes in New World.) No problem at
The world looked gorgeous on Very High, if weirdly softened. It seems that at higher
settings there's some kind of bloom effect or there is in Everfall,
anyway. Very mellow and autumnal with mist rising from the hollows and all the
trees looking blurred in the middle distance.
It looked a lot better than usual but I wondered how it would
look in screenshots. I think the ones I take at "Low" must be saved at a
higher definition because they look a lot sharper and more vibrant than what I
see when I'm playing.
I couldn't figure out where the screenshot key was. There didn't seem to be
one. I've been taking all mine with the Steam screenshot function but that
doesn't seem to work in Geforce Now, presumably because although you access
the game you own on Steam, you don't use Steam to run it. Or something.
In the end I had to use the Print Screen key and tab out to save the result in, which turned out to be an excellent test of the
service. If I tried doing that while playing New World on my PC the whole
thing would come to a grinding halt after the first couple of shots. I'd be
lucky if the game didn't crash and I'd certainly have to close the client and let it all calm down for a few minutes before carrying on.
With the game running remotely I could tab in and out as easily as I do when
EverQuest II. Seamlessly, repeatedly, quickly, painlessly. The
disk access light that usually glows steadily red for most of a session never
lit up at all. The fans were silent. My PC was as calm, cool and quiet as I've known it.
I played for fifty minutes, running around Everfall, gathering, mining,
killing, crafting. I ran into town and back out again without a hitch or a
stutter. It wasn't heaving with people as it would be in the evening but there
were a dozen or so players in the main square and more going here and there
through the cobbled streets.
There was no perceptible lag or delay the whole time I played. Every command
executed instantly. All my hits landed as they should. Every mob was exactly
where it displayed as being. In just under an hour I had two momentary
hitches, fractions of a second, and one chest didn't open properly until I
backed off and tried again.
In a normal play session of that length using my own hardware I'd see many
times more delays, stutters and glitches than that, even when the game is running what I would call
smoothly. More often than not it would be considerably worse. Sometimes it
would be quite literally unplayable at least until I rebooted.
The real test will come this evening, when I try and play as the server fills
up. If I can move through Everfall Town between seven and ten in the
evening with my graphics on High I will declare the experiment a resounding
success. Even if I have to go back down to Medium or Low, if I can play
comfortably in busy areas without the game becoming a slide show and my PC
making noises like a turbine engine in distress, I'll still consider it a win.
At the moment it very much looks as if I'll be using GeForce Now to play New
World from now on. I'll see how it goes on the free plan but I'm already
considering a subscription. £8.99 a month gets you uninterrupted six hour
sessions, priority access to avoid queing and better hardware to run the
I would never play for six hours at a stretch. Even back when I was playing
EverQuest for 45 hours a week my individual sessions weren't that long
and these days I rarely go much over two hours before taking a break. A
service like that would equate to always on for me.
As for the cost, for the price of an upgraded graphics card I could subscribe
to GeForce Now for almost four years. I need to experiment a bit more to find
out how reliable the service is and how comfortable it feels to use but I'm
thinking I might end up subbing, at least until GPU prices drop as they're
predicted to, before upgrading or even replacing my PC in a year or two.
Or maybe I won't bother. Maybe playing on someone else's servers and paying
rental is the future. I mean, just think about it. I could
subscribe to a service like GeForce Now for a decade for the same cost as a new mid-range
gaming PC but I'd
always have up-to-date hardware, better hardware in fact, and I'd never
have to fix or repair any of it.
Not saying I'm going to do that but I can see the attraction. And all of that
from a post about how tedious it is to maintain a coolant system!
You see why I love blogging.