Saturday, October 12, 2024

Rockin' Good News

I really feel like doing a music post. The only thing that's stopping me is the usual: too many tunes. Like the piles of books threatening to push me out of my house, though, that's a situation that's never going to improve if I don't do something about it, so not posting can't be the answer. 

I guess bookmarking fewer songs could but they're all so goddam good! Maybe I should start making YouTube playlists instead. Or as well. Those seem to be popular. A lot more popular than posting music videos on a gaming blog, that's for sure.

Oh well. You go with what you got. Let's get started.

That Sedative- Bad Waitress

I thought I might give everyone a break for once and open with some rock. Hard rock, even, as we used to say when I was young and ill-informed. I mean, not anything by anyone you ever heard of but it's a start, right?

This is one I can genuinely say I've been listening to lately. I've watched the video four or five times, had it on in the background a couple more and the chorus has been stuck in my head since I heard it. They remind me of one of my favorite nineties bands, the mostly forgotten and hugely under-rated even at the time Fluffy

Fluffy knew how to ride a chorus, too.

Legal Speed - Radium Dolls

Do they really have legal speed in Australia? I mean, not that it's of any practical use to me if they do. It's a long way away and anyway it wouldn't make up for having to grow a mustache and a mullet, which seems to be the law over there now, at least if the bands are anything to go by.

Sweetheart - Old Mervs

Case in point.

I actually thought that one was going to be heavier than it was. I guess there are only two of them. Only so much noise they can make.

After Party - Pot Is Drugs

I feel like we may have slipped into Alt Rock territory now or maybe even Pop Punk. Also, three out of the first four songs have drug references in either the title or the band's name, which is concerning. I worry I may not be fulfilling my responsibilities as a role model.

She Bangs Like A Fairy On Acid - Elita

Okay, that was just unnecessary. Drugs, sex and AI in the one package. Allll the bad things....

I hear you. You're not wrong, either. Just be glad I didn't go with this one instead. I actually like it better but I have standards to maintain here.

You're sorry you clicked on that link now, aren't you?

Don't Commit Suicide - I's

It's almost like I'm doing this on purpose now. I mean, it's good advice... can't fault it, really... but still.

This is Ano, by the way or Ano Chan as she's often known. She's a big deal in Japan, apparently, which just underlines what a different place it must be. From pretty much anywhere else on Earth. Then again, when I think of some of the people who've been a big deal where I live...

Bicycle - lil soft tennis & chelmico

That rock thing we had going for a while there didn't last long, did it? I don't even know what this is but at least it's wholesome. There's even a dog. 

Of course, I have no idea what they're singing about...

Forever Is A Charm - Princess Chelsea and the Dream Warriors

One of my favorite artists from the twenty-teens, who I hadn't heard much about for a while. I had a look to see what she'd been up to and it was this. Not what I was expecting but she picked up Best Alternative Artist at the Aotearoa Music Awards this year so it's clearly working for her. And for me.

The band is shit hot as the unfortunate expression has it and they kick ass, which really isn't much better. I don't know. Why can't we use nicer metaphors? There's a full live performance here and it's aces. "Aces" is nice, isn't it? Nothing suspect about that. 

I've Seen All Good People - Students at Eskilstuna Musikskola

Still clinging to the wreckage of my rock theme (And if you watched to the end of the Princess Chelsea video you'll know we haven't actually drifted as far away as it seems...), here's some Prog - as performed by a bunch of Swedish music students. 

I'd say I couldn't believe my eyes/ears when I happened across this but in fact I came to it by way of the same music teacher's upload of his charges tackling something even more unlikely - Gentle Giant . It's hard to believe anyone under fifty has even heard of Yes or Gentle Giant, much less wants to be seen on social media admitting to it but these aren't isolated incidents. This isn't even the only student cover of this specific Yes song!


I've Seen All Good People - 2018 School of Rock All-Stars Team 3

The weirdest thing about it all is that I can hear the words so much more clearly than I ever could when Jon Anderson was singing. These people really know how to enunciate. 

I have more but I'm saving them for a covers post. And if you thought those were some unlikely choices, may I direct you to this? And that's not even the only one of those, either!

What's wrong with people?

Dark Mystery Enigma Bird - Nap Eyes

It's hard to imagine drugs weren't involved...

My Beautiful Girl - Youth Lagoon

Oh yeah, we're gonna go long. Respect to those who've made it this far. I'd say that dates me but at least I didn't say props. What do the kids say now, when they want to big someone up? I don't imagine anyone here knows. They don't say "big someone up", though, I'll tell you that for nothing.

Just a couple more and they better be bangers or we're all going to nod right off. Those last two were great but they were kind of hypnotic, too, weren't they?

Fake Hangover - P!lot

And how is that one any better? Even I'm not taking any notice of me now or so it would appear.

Street Fighter - Pom Pom Squad

I guess that's close enough to banger territory. I mean, it's not Homie Don't Shake but what is? That's gonna be in my top five for the year when we get there, I'm telling you now.

Also, is it just me or does that chorus remind you of anything? I mean, like anything you might have heard recently? Earlier in this post, maybe? Do I got to spell it out?

One more...

e-m@il - Lilniina

Aaand... we're home! What a long, strange trip it's been.  There'll be more from Lilniina next time, most likely. Her catalog is considerable.

Until then...

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