When I first heard the name I had a vague idea it might be part of some video game franchise I probably ought to have heard of but now I think maybe it was only ever what it is, an MMORPG no-one in the West plays. Or, if they do, they keep it to themselves.
I remember liking it quite a lot in the brief period I played, a few years back. That was when a bunch of imported MMORPGs came out around the same time, although when I stop and think about it, a bunch of imported MMORPGs always seem just to have come out or to be just about to come out or to have just closed down.
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I told you that wasn't a fish! |
Unlike, say, Revelation Online or Bless, where I couldn't pick my character out of a line-up now, I still remember my B&S character quite well. And a memorable character makes it orders of magnitude more likely I'll eventually wander back for another go.
It's taken a while but I'm back for that overdue visit. They say you can't go home again but no-one ever said you can't go back to some place you lived for a month, that one time. Just don't count on being able to remember the key code to get in the door, though.
Actually, I did remember that part. There really is one. I still have it written down. It was when I got inside that the problems began.
We talk a lot about the re-learning curve, coming back to an MMORPG we haven't played for a while, but Blade and Soul has more of a learning cliff. I played for two hours this evening and I had to stop and read tool tips or tab out and check the wiki before I could do pretty much anything.

This is why I have a blog , I guess. It saves keeping notes. Next time I log in I'll go through the options and see what I'm missing. I think there was a toggle to swap between traditional MMO and action combat . Let's hope they didn't take it out.
With little or no idea what I was doing I thought it would be best just to follow the main quest line until I settled in. I was hoping the plot would come back to me. I seemed to think it was decent enough, from what I wrote four years ago.
The story remained opaque but the xp rolled in just fine. Leveling would seem to be very much quest-driven. The bar barely moved while I was completing intermediate quest steps and killing mobs but finishing two storyline quests bumped me from the start of level 31 to near the end of level 32.
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A simple "Yes, Mistress" would be quite sufficient. No need to be sarcastic. |
It takes a particularly good photo, too. It's nice to take screenshots that look as good as the view I was looking at in the game itself for once. I didn't need to tweak anything to make these shots pop.
It was through taking the pictures that I happened to notice my characters feet. I'd been thinking of her as a fairly normal, small humanoid, something like the local equivalent of a gnome or a halfling, maybe, albeit a lot better-looking than any halfling I ever saw. Then I noticed her feet.
She very clearly has paws. Which made me think. And When I was thinking it occurred to me that, oh yes, she has large furry ears, too. And a gigantic fluffy tail!
Really, I wonder if I should get my eyes tested. Or my brain. I guess when I said I remembered my Blade and Soul character quite well that was a relative term. I basically remembered she was short and had red hair. I somehow forgot about the tail.
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Oh, geez... is that mine? |
As a F2P player I get three character slots. I only used one when I played at launch. After tonight, I can really see Syp's point about it being easier to start a new character when you go back to a game than to try and pick up where you left off with an old one.
On the other hand, If I make a new character it's an odds-on certainty I'll stop playing that one, this time, before it gets to the level the other one got to, last time. So next time I come back I'll have two characters I don't know how to play.
Nah, I'm going to stick with what I don't know for now. I'm sure it'll all come back to me. If I hang around long enough.
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