Monday, December 16, 2024

Day Sixteen - Naughty

Christmas By The Phone

Good Charlotte


  1. I was not expecting Good Charlotte to sing a Christmas song. Then again, there's XMas in Hell by Sixx A.M. from The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack, which is Nikki Sixx's autobiographical album about his fight with heroin addiction. I discovered X-Mas in Hell when another song from the album, Life is Beautiful, got airplay locally.

    1. It's a pretty downbeat Christmas song but at least it's not about being on drugs!

  2. Replies
    1. Set my alarm clock an hour late, so I didn't have time to post until I got back from work!

    2. Oh, that's fine, it's just that you're so on-time on your posts I wondered if there was something wrong.

    3. Y'see how some of us have gotten about your health n stuff--? Keeping eyes on you and yours -- even Beryl (!)


      -- 7rlsy


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